Cooking & Food
Rectangular Prism / Recap
Cc – Cooking; Ff – Food
This is one of the teacher’s best weeks (because it gives us all an excuse to break the diet- hehe!) We have had such a blast this week with all the fun cooking, eating and experimenting that we have done with the Bugs! It is so much fun and so rewarding to see the children enjoy themselves so much!
We spent the week discussing all things food, cooking and the kitchen! We chatted about cooking utensils and what we use them for, as well as all the interesting things we can find in a kitchen! The children loved sharing their stories of how they have helped you in the kitchen to prepare meals and we loved hearing what their favourite and least favourite foods are! There were quite a few interesting answers! We loved learning about what gets hot in the kitchen and what to be careful around. We decided that the stove, oven, toaster and kettle should be treated with caution, knives and scissors can also be dangerous and that the Bugs should always ask for help. We had a “knife safety lesson” where we basically played pass the parcel with a knife, highly supervised of course, to teach the children how to properly handle and pass a knife. It was a big success!
Our song of the week was “The Soup Song” which also serves as a memory game and the children have to take turns to add ingredients to the pot to make a soup! Some of the soups we made sounded delicious, but the ones that ended up with potatoes, candyfloss, chocolate and chicken… we think we’d rather give those a skip! Haha!
We loved going to visit our veggie gardens to see where some of the food we eat comes from! Nature is amazing to be able to give us all the delicious veggies and fruit we eat! We chatted about milk, cheese and yoghurt as well as dairy farms and about chicken and eggs!
Everyone’s favourite part of the week was of course the days when we got to make our own delicious snacks all by ourselves! On Wednesday, we made our own Mini cheese, ham and tomato omelettes for lunch. The Bugs got to slice, chop and grate all of their own ingredients, crack an egg into a muffin pan, sprinkle their cheese, tomato and ham onto it, then mix it, season it with salt and pepper and then baked them! They were delicious and even the children who aren’t really keen on egg most of the time had a great time munching all of it! Well done Bugs! Last but not least, on Friday, we made delicious fruit smoothies for snack. The Bugs helped slice up the fruit, scoop yogurt, milk and some ice into the blender, and then sit back and watch how the blender turns to mix everything together. These were a Huge hit and everyone had a least 2 cups of smoothie!
We also had some awesome show and tells this week and we love how excited the children are getting about this weekly tradition – thank you for always remembering to bring us something, Bugs!
Every day Chef Thembi or Chef Nombuso come to our classroom to get a headcount for the day’s meals and we explained to the children how special these ladies are to us. We made sure that they said please and thank you for all of their meals this week.
*A few quick notes*
Please remember to send your shopping goodies in ASAP! The Bugs will be shopping on Wednesday.
Please remember to send us a hat, even if we have to send it home again every day. It is so hot and the rule is: no hat – no play! We would hate for the children to miss out on playtime and have to sit in the shade on the deck because they don’t have a hat.
Please, please, please… EVERYTHING sent to school must be labelled! Jackets, tops, pants, shoes, socks, bottles and even underwear. A lot of our children throughout the whole school have the same, or very similar items of clothes. Labelling everything just makes it easier for all of us teachers to know what belongs to who.
Have a stunning weekend everyone!
We Wanna Know ...
Are you a SWEET or a SAVORY person?
Dates to Diarise:
Week of 14 Nov during School – Shopping Day
16 Nov – HH Outing
18 Nov – CC Entrepreneur Market Day
22 Nov – SS Graduation
25 Nov – CC & SS Outing
5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School
6 Dec – Christmas Party
7 Dec – Break Up Day
Lots of love
Teacher Gemma. Teacher Monette and the Busy Bugs Assistants