Countries & Cultures
Flag Colours
Rectangle/Rectangular Prism
Pp – Pride
What an interesting week this was!
It is always so important and valuable to learn about different cultures from around the world as you never know when you might get to meet someone from a different culture. South Africa is filled to the brim with so many of its own cultures, as well as cultures from all over the world, and we loved hearing about the different cultures of all of our Bugs.
Our main countries and cultures were: Italy, France, Australia, Germany, The UK and America. We spoke about what food each place is most commonly known for, famous landmarks from these countries and how to say “hello” in all of these places and languages. The Bugs learned, “G’day Mate!”, “Bonjour”, “Ciao”, “Boungiorno”, “Guten Tag”, “Cheers” and “Hi!”.
We also briefly discussed Portuguese, Irish, Afrikaans, Zulu, Muslim, Welsh and many, many more!
We took a different approach this week with regards to creative learning, and instead of doing art pieces, we decided to do cooking instead. We made traditional Fairy Bread from Australia, and “Magwinya” (which are similar to vetkoek) with chicken mayo from Teacher Thandi. The kiddies loved exploring the different tastes.
We did however, do some art. We continued to finalise pieces for our Art Expo, as well as start some very cool new ones!
Of course Friday was a special day, as it was HAT PARADE! We were so impressed and proud of the stunning hats that our Bugs made! Well done everyone! We were also so impressed with how brave and confident our Bugs were, walking around the drive way in front of so many people! Well done Bugs!
Wishing a wonderful weekend!
Next Week’s Theme: Insects and Bees
Next Week’s Show and Tell: Everyone to please bring something theme related!
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Dates to Diarise:
24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)
25 Sept: Public Holiday Recognised
4 Oct: Haircut Day
20 Oct: Art Expo
25 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC)
26 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS)
26 Oct: Break Up Day
27, 28, 29, 30 Oct: Mid Term Break
31 Oct: Back to School
Lots of love
Teacher Gemma. Teacher Monette and the Busy Bugs Assistants