Welcome To The Busy Bugs Blog

Health and Hygiene

Feb 7, 2022


Health & Hygiene










What a clean, healthy week we had last week. We learnt all about the different ways to stay healthy and hygienic! Covering your mouth when you sneeze and cough (but not with your hand, with the inside of your elbow instead), how to wash our hands properly after playing outside and going to the toilet, how to properly your body properly in the bath and shower and the most fun activity this week… brushing our teeth! Our Bugs loved the practical, hands on lessons we had this week and are definitely a healthy bunch of kids!

We sang lots of health and hygiene songs and performed all the actions to them, and we also carried out all of the ways to stay clean. We washed our hands with soap and water every day before snack and lunch, we practiced brushing our hair in the mornings and of course on Thursday, we brushed our teeth after snack! This was a HUGE hit and the Bugs absolutely loved it! We are very proud to say that most of our Bugs can brush their teeth by themselves, some even taking it to the next level and brushing their tongues as well!

For art this week, we made a few things:

  1. We used paint blowing technique to create awesome colourful germs. We dripped blobs of paint onto our page, then used our own little straws to blow the paint all over (with a little help from Teacher Gemma).
  2. We used playdough, pipe cleaners and googly eyes to create a Reggio Emilia germ. The Bugs had so much fun squishing, poking and decorating these germs!

We hope you all have a lovely week!

 This Week’s Theme: Valentines Day and My Emotions



Do the scrub!

 “Wash, wash, wash your hands, get them very clean… do the scrub, do the scrub, germs are very MEAN!”


Dates to Diarise:


Kiddies Valentine’s Disco: 11 Feb

(during school)

Haircut Day: 16 Feb

Bon Fire Picnic: 18 Feb

Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb

(no school, no Holiday Club)





Lots of love

Teacher Gemma and the Busy Bugs Assistants

Our fruit makes us cute!


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