Healthy Eating, Etiquette and Manners
Ff – Food
What a fun filled week – as always! We learnt all about healthy food choices, using our manners and etiquette – which is a fancy word for being “posh”, “polite” and “correct”. Our Bugs learnt some big words this week including “car-bo-hy-drates!” (which is how they say it – hehe!) and protein. We learnt that chicken, eggs, meat and fish are types of proteins and that bread, pasta and rice are types of car-bo-hy-drates. We learnt that a healthy plate of food should have some of each on it, as well as lots of veggies or salad! They were able to tell us that apples, peaches, grapes and strawberries are fruit, and potatoes, carrots and broccoli are veggies … Such clever Bugs! We spoke about what “healthy food options” are, and they know that these do not include sweeties and chips and choccies … although they didn’t tend to agree!
On Tuesday, the Bugs got chicken strips and chips for lunch. We used this as a learning opportunity by first asking the Bugs to show us their muscles and do a few exercises to show us how much energy they had. We then told them that their muscles weren’t “big enough” and that they didn’t have enough energy, and that they had to eat their chicken protein and chips carbohydrates to make them bigger and faster. They gobbled up their food so fast and one at a time, came to show us how “big” their muscles had grown and how much faster they were. According t0 Emily, she could “do good soccer” after eating all of her food- Hehe!
All our children are very well mannered but we spent even more time this week re-enforcing good manners – saying please and thank you at meal times and when playing with friends, and to also not interrupt our friends or adults. This is a big one at this age as they have learnt to talk, but are still learning that they can’t talk ALL. THE. TIME. (Haha!) We are sure you’ve noticed! Hehe!
We made a stunning Healthy Eating Plate displaying the different portions of all the food groups we eat, and created them using multi-media goodies including sponge, stickers, magazines and so much more.
Teacher Monette did a fine motor playdoh activity with the Bugs, where they had to roll a worm out of the dough, and use a plastic knife to very carefully cut it up.
Just a few general notes/rules.
- Please cut nails – Scratch accidents can happen so quickly!
- Please remember to label everything, especially jackets, tracksuit tops and long sleeve tops that are needed in the chilly mornings but tend to be ditched at playtime. Even socks and shoes!
Don’t forget mid-term break is next week. There is NO school on Friday or the following Monday.
Rare Disease Day next Thursday. Don’t forget to place your badge orders and wear jeans and a white t-shirt!
Thank you for another fun and interesting week. Your children are all well-adjusted to their new classroom, their new friends and their teachers. We are in full swing of things now and a lovely, calm dynamic has taken over most of our days in class – we are having such fun learning and getting to know your children even better. It is a privilege to watch them grow up!
Next Week’s Theme: Safety
They said it!
Our Bugs all claim they love their veggies, so please hold them to that!
Dates to Diarise:
Rare Disease Day: 24 Feb
Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb
(no school, no Holiday Club)
Lots of love
Teacher Gemma and the Busy Bugs Assistants