Welcome To The Busy Bugs Blog

Mothers and Babies

May 6, 2022


Mothers & Babies









Mm – Mommy

Welcome back to school for the second term!

We were so happy to see the Bugs smiling faces on Wednesday morning! The holidays were very long, but we can assure you that all of them are having happy and (mostly) warm and sunny days at school with their friends!

We cannot believe how much the kiddies have grown! A lot of them have come back to school fully potty trained, some of them are talking so much all of a sudden, and they are all listening very well – we sense a general “maturity” increase happened during the holidays as it always does, and we are very proud of them!

We would like to welcome Teacher Nicole to our team. Teacher Nicole is our newest Busy Bugs assistant and she has already become very popular amongst the Bugs. We hope you love every minute with us Teacher Nicole!

This week, was all about MOM! We learnt all about mothers and their babies and it was so sweet to see how much our little Bugs know about this topic! They all had lots to say about their own mommies, telling us what they love about you and everything you do for them. 

We asked them to tell us all about what a mommy does for her baby. The Bugs know that mommies grow babies “in their tummies” (bless them) and that a mommy gives her baby milk, and keeps them warm and changes smelly nappies! Mommies sing to their babies and baths them, and makes them feel better when they are sick! They also make food for their babies and give lots of hugs and kisses! What lucky children!

We also learnt that animal babies have special names! A baby cow is called a calf; a baby horse is called a foal. Pigs have piglets and cats have kittens! Dogs have puppies and sheep have lambs. Goats have kids (this was a little confusing – hehe!) Lions and bears have cubs, while wolves and seals have pups. And ALL these mommies look after their babies so nicely and make sure that they have everything they need!

This is why it’s important to make mommies feel special on their one very special day each year called “Mother’s Day!”

For a gift this year, our Bugs made a beautiful beaded necklaces that they threaded themselves. As well as gorgeous “pinch pot” out of salt dough, which the teachers stuck onto a beautiful piece of bark that the children found on a nature walk this week. This became a stunning jewellery holder. The dough was a little bit hard to pinch, so we did have to help them here and there, but we are so proud of the results your children was able to achieve.

This is a special art piece to remind you that even though clay is sometimes hard to mould and shape, if you persevere and keep at it, you will eventually have something beautiful. In the same way, being a mama is hard – the hardest job you will ever have – but if you keep at it and persevere, you will have a work of art in your child. We hope that you put it somewhere you can look at it daily, and that you keep your special jewellery pieces safe in it.  

Happy Mother’ Day, all you super moms!

Winter is well and truly upon us, so please make sure you dress your children in layers that can be easily removed. Label everything! If you would like, you may also send a labelled beanie to use at playtime so we can keep those heads warm and the chilly wind out of their ears! May we suggest you start using extra Vitamin C or an immune booster so that all our Bugs can hopefully stay germ free this Winter!  

We are so excited for our Sports Day tomorrow, and look forward to watching the Bugs kick some booty in all of the events!

 Next Week’s Theme: On the Farm: Fruit and Veg

Next Week’s Show and Tell: Arlo and Theju


To all our AMAZING mommies ...

To the world, you are a mother.

But to your family, you are their WORLD!

 Dates to Diarise:

Sports Day: 7 May

Haircut Day: 11 May

Optometrist: 13 May 


Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Monette and the Busy Bugs Assistants

Mommies’ Munchkins!

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