Welcome To The Busy Bugs Blog

Travels and Holidays

Nov 25, 2022


Travels & Holidays









Hh – Hot 

“Cos’ we are flying in an airplane, looking out the window, watching the clouds go by. Flying in an airplane, looking out the window, up so very high!”

This week we learned all about the places you can go for a holiday, and how we get there. We spoke about bush holidays, beach holidays and overseas holidays, what we can see when we go to these places and the different ways we can get there. There are local places you can go that are nice and close like Harties, Sun City, the Kruger or the Vaal, these are place that we drive to. Then there are places that are a little bit further away but can still be reached by car (or airplane) like Durban and Cape Town, and then there are the places that you have to take an airplane to, these places are very far and are mostly in other countries like Disney World, Paris and so many more.

We asked all of the Bugs if they knew which type of car their Mommy’s and Daddy’s drove and were very impressed to hear that most of them not only new if it was “a big car or small car” but also what make and model they are! We asked them who usually drove the car when they went on holiday and most of them answered “Daddy.” We then spoke about airplanes and if any of our Bugs have ever been on an airplane before. Most of them answered yes, but of course we weren’t 100% sure. We spoke about the man or lady who flies the airplane and learned that they are called the Pilot and the people who help us find our seats, bring us food and keep us safe are called flight attendants.

We also discussed what items we take on holiday. A suitcase filled with clothes, our toothbrush and toothpaste and of course, a camera to take lots of awesome pictures to show everyone.

Which brings us to our art this week. Our Bugs got to colour in cameras and then go on a nature walk to “take photos” of everything they could see. We then “printed” these photos by asking them what type of holiday is their favourite and used magazines to find pictures of those types of holidays and cut them out to stick under their camera. The Bugs absolutely had so much fun doing this activity and it was also an amazing fine motor skill builder for them.

Thank you to everyone who sent items for show and tell, we loved seeing all of the exciting things your Bugs brought to share.

We hope you all have a lovely, relaxed weekend and we look forward to seeing all of our Bugs at school next week.

Next Week’s Theme: Christmas

Have a safe and lovely weekend.



Two things children should get from their parents


 Dates to Diarise: 

5 Dec : Hooked on Books during School

6 Dec : Christmas Party

7 Dec : Break Up Day

8 Dec – 15 Dec : Holiday Club


Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Monette and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Jet Setters!

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