Under the Sea
Dark Blue
Circle / Cylinder
Uu – Under
This is definitely one of our favourite themes of the year! Due to last week being a short week and this being such an exciting and interesting theme, we decided to extend it over to this week as well. This was a great idea because we had so much to cover and 4 days just wouldn’t do!
We spoke about the different animals that live “under the sea”, as well as on the shore and were pleasantly surprise to learn just how much our Bugs know about sea creatures. We covered everything from the teeniest tiniest little organism all the way up to the largest mammal on earth! We spoke about sharks and covered quite a few of the different species of sharks including the Great White Shark, the Hammerhead Shark, the Whale Shark and the Tiger Shark, that they are cold blooded and eat other sea creatures. We spoke about whales, like the Blue Whale and the Killer Whale, we spoke about the blowhole and what they use it for, as well as what they eat. We learned that turtles come to the shore to lay their eggs and bury them in the sand, and that they have a hard shell on the back to protect them from predators such as sharks and killer whales. We learned that the proper names for “Nemo” and “Dory” are a clown fish and a blue tang. We learned that Seahorses wrap their tails around seaweed to hold on and that the daddy seahorse carries the babies in his tummy rather than the mommy seahorse! We learned about Crabs and what they use their shell and pincers for, Sea Anemone’s that have poisonous spikes to protect them and Starfish that can regrow their limbs if they happen to lose one.
We discussed the importance of marine conservation and why plastic is so dangerous for marine animals. We also got to play with our Ocean Sensory Table, which had blue fabric “water”, sand, shells, sands and plastic sea creatures in. The Bugs absolutely loved this activity and where so excited to go “hunting” for things on the table.
For art for this theme, we made Loose Part Oceans. We did this by painting containers we have collected blue, getting sand from the sandpit, adding green plastic seaweed and colouring fish in. The Bugs can use these to create their own ocean adventures at home. We also made a giant fish. We used a big piece of cardboard and everyone got a turn to paint it lots of colours, we then stuck CD disks on as scales, made hand prints and cut them out to make the fins and tail. This beautiful fish is going to become a permanent display feature in our classroom and we are just too excited!
Busy Bugs Yoga Day:
Our activity was Hopscotch. We play this game because it improves gross motor skills, gluteal strength, coordination and learning to wait your turn.
Busy Bugs FunFit Sports:
At FunFit Sports this week, the Bugs got to have some fun on our new jungle gym! Coach Dave gave the kids multiple tasks to complete and they all did an amazing job. Well done Bugs!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend, rest well and we will see you back next week for another exciting theme!
Please remember to send your Shopping goodies in as soon as you can. We are all very excited for this theme!
Next Week’s Theme: Cooking and Food
Next Week’s Show and Tell: Everyone to please bring something theme related
We Wanna Know ...
Who is your favourite character from The Little Mermaid?
Dates to Diarise:
8 Nov – Haircut Day
Week of 14 Nov during School – Shopping Day
16 Nov – HH Outing
18 Nov – CC Entrepreneur Market Day
23 Nov – SS Graduation
25 Nov – CC & SS Outing
5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School
6 Dec – Christmas Party
7 Dec – Break Up Day
Lots of love
Teacher Gemma, Teacher Monette and the Busy Bugs Assistants