Wild Animals
Square & Cube
Z z- Zebra
Who knows what a group of giraffe is called? Let us know on the class WhatsApp group!
Another happy week of learning and discovery has left us feeling fulfilled, tired and ready for a weekend! This week has been full of roaring lions and stomping elephants! Our children simply LOVE this theme and know so much about it! Well done, Busy Bugs!
We spent every day having very intense and long ring times, discussing animals from all over Africa and other wild animals from around the world such as tigers and kangaroos! We learnt so many cool and fun facts about these animals and the children were hanging on to our every word! It is amazing to watch their little faces while they are engaged with a topic that really excites them! Too sweet to see! We listened to the sounds these animals make, thanks to the wonder of technology, and watched many little video clips of them! It has taken some effort this week to remind them that they are indeed little people and not really monkeys and lions! Haha! What a special time.
For art this week, we made the cutest recycled Pringle tin Giraffe hand puppets. The Bugs got to stick little pieces of paper that they used their fine motor skills to tear up onto the Pringle tins. They painted cut up egg cartons and paper cups to make the head and horns of the Giraffe. We then took a walk to find a tall tree to “feed” our Giraffes. The Bugs thought this was hilarious and loved every second of it!
We also did a messy play sensory activity using cooked spaghetti coloured with food colouring, feeling it, squishing, smelling it and even tasting it, before we laid it around a drawn lion face to make his mane!
The weather is really getting cold now that we are truly into winter, but most days after playing in the warm sun at playtime, the children are warm. So please opt for layers when dressing your child in the morning as opposed to overly thick jackets that hinder movement and tend to get lost. We are also noticing a lot of snotty noses. Please keep the vitamin intake and nose spray going so we can keep the winter germs at bay, and please keep any sick Bugs at home until they have been given the all clear from a doctor.
Have a wonderful weekend and keep safe, warm and happy until Monday!
Next Week’s Theme: Land, Air and Sea Transport
Next Week’s Show and Tell: Cataleya and Rileigh
See you all next week.
All good things are WILD and FREE!
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: 8 June
Hearing Tests: 13 June
Bike-a-Thon: 15 June
Public Holiday: 16 June
School Holiday: 17 June
Book Character Dress Up Day & Break Up Day: 24 June
Mid Term Week Break: 27 June (no school, no Holiday Club)
Back to School: 4 July
Lots of love
Teacher Gemma, Teacher Monette and the Busy Bugs Assistants