Triangle & Pyramid
Rr – Recycling
We just couldn’t be more proud of the Curious Crew! With every ring discussion everyone had something to add about saving the world and throwing away rubbish! They understand the importance of recycling and really enjoy making things to reuse.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! It’s easy to do!
This week our theme was all about going green for our world! We spoke about the three R’s
Reduce – cutting back on the amount of rubbish we make.
Reuse – Finding a new way to use rubbish so we don’t have to throw it away.
Recycle – Making something new out of rubbish.
Being a short week we were super busy with work! In this week we did a lovely colouring in activity and I must say they Crews fine motor skills are coming along so nicely. Their coming in has become neater, with a use of a whole rainbow of colours.
As our Art activity for the week we made a little game using recycled material. The Crew painted their boards of cut out cereal boxes and we drew noughts and crosses on bottle caps to make the game tick tac toe. We hope you enough a few games at home with your upcycled little game.
The Crew practiced some number formation in reusable books and we played a fun number hunt game. The Crews counting is coming along so well and we are going into the 30’s now with our rote counting!! This is just super.
The Crew got started on some Art Expo Art. Wow and it’s looking amazing but top secret.
Our Letter Challenge is well under way and it has been such a pleasure marking and commenting on your child’s lovely work. Keep up the great work Crew and Parents.
Next week will be our last week at school before our week long mid-term break. And on the 28th of June your child’s first report for the year will be going out. So exciting!
Next week’s theme: Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice
Recycling turns things into other things ... which is like MAGIC!
Dates to Diarise:
28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day
8 July: Back To School
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants