Cooking & Food
Rectangular Prism / Recap
Cc – Cooking; Ff – Food
This week in the Curious Crew class we have concentrated on what utensils and gadgets we use in the kitchen. It was quite interesting hearing some of the answers we had in ring time!!!
We have also been hard at work, learning the alphabet. Not only being able to recognise the letter but also the sound the letters makes. This is one of the most important requirements for Grade R. Please if you could practice this with your little ones at home. In saying that I’m so proud to say that almost half of the class know all the letters of the alphabet. Wow, yay #proudteacher
The Crew have still been hard at work with assessments this week and by the end of the week we will just have to do some final touches here and there so report writing will be in full swing.
I love this theme and so do the children! Let’s get started…
Ice-lollies always go down well so that was our first food activity for the week. Using canned peaches, double thick yoghurt, lemon juice, some water and caster sugar we made lolly pops that even our fussy eaters loved. All recipes will be sent onto the group.
The Crew also got creative making their own snack. Each Crew got a piece of bread. They each had a turn to spread on some delicious Nutella and then using pretzels and slices of banana to make some cute little pictures on their bread.
Last but not least we ended off the week making a cake in a cup. I don’t think I have ever seen my Crew so happy! Chocolate mouths for days, sorry Mom’s and Dad’s for the sugar rush. Please use these activities at home.
This is our last week for Puzzle Challenge, we will be sending out certificates in the week coming. Well done for your dedication and hard work Crew. I am very proud of all of you.
Next week is our Curious Crew Market Day, please let me know if you have any questions. Crew must have someone to help them on the day and an example of the Market Day slips will go out beforehand so that everyone knows how the slips will work. The parents do not need to worry about handling any money at all.
Next week’s theme: Shops and Shopping
We Wanna Know ...
Are you a SWEET or a SAVORY person?
Dates to Diarise:
Week of 14 Nov during School – Shopping Day
16 Nov – HH Outing
18 Nov – CC Entrepreneur Market Day
22 Nov – SS Graduation
25 Nov – CC & SS Outing
5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School
6 Dec – Christmas Party
7 Dec – Break Up Day
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa and the Curious Crew Assistants