Dd – Dinosaur
If there’s one theme that we’ve enjoyed having over two weeks , it’s been DINOSAURS . The class love theme discussions , they love watching our educational videos on fossils and dino facts. It’s been a super fun theme to have , and the Curious crew class have loved learning about the Dinosaurs. This week we have also focused on our Teen numbers (11-20).
We also discussed our shape of the week in detail too.
We played a fun phonics game during a ring time , where a-z letters were placed all over the carpet and each child had a turn to find the letter they were asked to find.
Art for dinosaurs have by far been our favourite ! .
There have been numerous pieces of art over the past two weeks , we started off with a fun little dinosaur egg , each child needed to water paint their egg and cut it out to make it look cracked with a little dinosaur inside , they loved this art activity .
We then made the most creative pterodactyls out of Penne pasta too , which was the most fun activity of the week by far !! The class loved this challenge and excelled too !
This week we have done a very cute dinosaur puzzle , each child had to colour in a picture and cut it out , then needing to place it in the correct order creating a dinosaur picture .
We topped our week off with 2 teen number worksheets ,
One of the instructions were to count the dots and in that block 3 different options were given for answers , the kiddos had to identify the correct number and colour it in.
The other worksheet was an 11-20 colour by number worksheet of a bunny , and this was a hit. The kids loved it and boy did they colour in the most beautiful pictures !! Well done Curious Crew !
We had yoga today!
Our yoga song today was “silly to calm”, it is a quick kids’ yoga movement break complete with dancing, yoga stretching, and breathing. Our yogis went from silly to calm in 3 minutes.
We did our calming shapes breathing… circle, square and triangle.
This week , Coach Trevor put us to the test again In a fun cricket game . Each child had a turn to see how many out of 13 balls they could hit , and boy were we impressed with the talent of the kiddos ! Well done to you all.
Parents please remember : next week is a two day week before holiday club starts on Thursday
Keep Warm!
Dates to Diarise:
8 Aug: Pyjama Dress Up Day
8 Aug: Break Up Day
9 Aug: Public Holiday
10 Aug: Holiday Club Starts
1 Sept: Holiday Club Ends
6 Sept: Term 3 Starts!
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants