Dd – Day
What a busy week we have had learning about Dinosaurs! There are just so many activities to do and things to be learnt.
Teacher Tegan has done a daily A-Z on Dinosaur names. Each day we have learnt 3 more letters of Dinosaur names going in alphabetic order. Learning these Dinosaurs’ long names is a fun and tricky task. Let’s see how many they can remember:
Allosaurus, Baryonyx,Coelophysis, Diplodocus, Euoplocephalus, Fabrosaurus, Gravitholus, Hadrosaurus, Iguanodon, Janenschia, Kentrosaurus, Leptoceratops, Macroplata, Nodosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Quetzalcoatlus, Riojasaurus, Stenonychosaurus, Tricerarops, Ultrasaurus, Velociraptor, Wannanosaurus, Xenotarsosaurus, Yingshanosaurus and the Zephyrosaurus.
We have also read a cute little novel called ‘Dino Club’ where each day we read a few chapters of the book for the Crew, Characters Jamie and Tess have an app on their tablet where they can chat to all the children around the world about Dinosaurs. Jamie finds Tess on this app and they get together to go on a Dino adventure! Venturing down into a cave where they discover a whole different world of Dinosaurs down there.
The Crew just loved this little novel!
Amongst the many different activities we have completed this week, we did a fossil like Pterodactyl made out of pasta. The Crew had to copy the example, planning where to glue next and how many pieces of pasta they would need. It came out really beautifully.
A fun little activity we did that included an outing around the school, we created dinosaur skins through a cut out brontosaurus. We walked around and each Crew member had to look around to see what background would make a pretty skin for their brontosaurus. The Crew had lots of fun with this activity and the pictures came out so beautifully!
We have also complete a few different worksheets this week, Line tracing, perceptual work sheet that consisted of colouring cutting out and pasting back together. Number tracing 1-10, matching pictures to the letters the pictures start with and an introduction worksheet to capital letters and their small letter. All Dinosaurs themed, of course!
We completed an eye spy activity where the Crew really had to concentrate on the work that they were doing. All these activities are about following instructions which we sometimes take for granted. It is a skill that needs to be taught. The Crew were instructed to look at the pictures coloured in and try to find them in amongst the collage of pictures below AND then they had to count how many they had found the write that number in the block below the coloured in picture. This was a challenging activity but I love to challenge my Crew that’s how they expand their minds and when we do an activity like this again they will do even better!
We have practiced our alphabet through the Letter Challenge this past term. However I do encourage you as parents to go over the letters in the holidays. The Crew need to be able to recognition each letter, know the SOUND the letter makes and start forming the letters correctly. (Going over the letters just with their finger is a great start)
FunFit Sports was the BEST! The Crew were introduced to a new ball skilled game, T-Ball. And they had to run to the different bases as well. It was an absolute ball LOL, pun intended. Let’s go Curious Crew, Let’s go.
At the closing of this term we say good-bye to Lilly, who joined us for a short period of time while her and her family visited South Africa from Saudi Arabia and we also say good-bye to Kudiwanashe (Kudi) who’s family will be immigrating shortly in the new term.
We hope you all have an amazing August holiday! Rest well and we look forward to all the exciting events that await us in the new term such as:
- Puzzle Challenge
- Art expo
- Mommy/Daddy and me yoga
- Curious Crew market day
- Curious Crew outing
- Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
- And Reports
Next theme in the new term: Spring Time and Flowers
Have a wonderful holiday folks!
Dates to Diarise:
9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)
12 August: Holiday Club Starts
2 Sept: Holiday Club Ends
3 Sept: Staff Return To School
4 Sept: First Day of Term 3!
6 Sept: Haircut Day
9 Sept: School Photographs
10 Sept: School Photographs
11 Sept: School Photographs
20 Sept: Hat Parade Day
23 Sept: School Holiday
24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants