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Health and Hygiene

Feb 3, 2023


Health & Hygiene










Getting your child into a good healthy lifestyle and hygienic routines at this age, will help them in all the years to come. They are able to understand why we do the things we do… Washing up and washing hands helps with keeping those nasty germs away that make us sick. Healthy living is that much easier to explain when the Crew just love to hear about everything that will help their muscles grow!! I can feel how the muscles have grown on the kids who have finished all their food (wink wink). This helps with empty bowls and a well-nourished body. Picking up toys is also a great way to build muscles!

Here are a few poems we did this week, please repeat them at home to see how much of it your Clever Curious Crew know! I’m sure will actually be surprised if they hear you saying them too.

Green POEM

Green is the grass,

String beans and peas.

Green are the branches on a Christmas tree.

Shape SONG

Tommy Triangle

Proud as can be!

Count my sides 1,2,3.

We had another full week of creative activities with the Crew this week! We did a cute little dirty and clean hand prints which they learnt a little poem while doing this activity:

I wash my hands until they’re clean. To get rid of things they’ve never seen.

I do this many times a day. To shoo the dirt and germs away.

This week , we got real creative , and we all made our very own soap and we got to decorate it with glitter , the kids loved this and enjoyed being able to mold their own soap bar

 We also enjoyed a fun educational video about health and hygiene and why it’s important to keep our bodies clean 🙂👍🏼

 Using markers and laminated paper , we focused on the letter formation of our letter of the week “c” , the class did really well and they were super proud of themselves too.

Helpful tips: Consequences

At this age implementing ‘consequences for actions’ are a great new way for children to understand and think about their actions before acting. Explaining the natural consequences to a child helps them make a better decision or to think twice about the actions they are about to take. Consequences both positive and negative apply here – good behaviour receives rewards and bad behaviour receives negative consequences eg. No TV or not getting to see that friend they wanted to visit over the weekend.

We will be implementing consequences into the classroom to help the Crew understand their actions better. Let’s bring up children that CHOOSE to make the right decisions.




Next Week's Theme

Healthy Eating, Manners and Etiquette!


 Dates to Diarise: 

15 Feb: Haircut Day

17 Feb: Valentines Disco 

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: Curious Crew Term meeting

24 – 27 Feb: Mid Term Break

28 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants

Healthy Happy Crew!

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