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Healthy Eating, Etiquette and Manners

Feb 23, 2022


Healthy Eating, Etiquette and Manners









Ff – Food

This week the children learnt about the food pyramid and the importance of eating different vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, sugars and proteins. The Crew filled in their very own food pyramid by sifting through wonderful magazine food images. They snipped out their favourite ones and stuck them onto their triangles. They had so much fun cutting and sticking! We also explained that the bottom of the pyramid is what we need to eat the most of and as it moves up, what we need to eat less of. So right at the very top the children know they are only allowed a little bit of sugar and sweets … only on weekends!

The Crew each did a ‘still life’ painting where they had to paint their version of the fruit bowl we placed in front of them. They absolutely loved this activity and it was awesome to see how they all saw it in a different way.

We had many chats in ring time all about healthy eating and manners. We had fun learning our orange and rectangle poem.

In Heart Matters teacher Hela taught us about the importance of breath and using it when we feel angry, scared or frustrated. The children were each given a butterfly which they had to try and breathe with on their lips. It was very cute to see.

The Crew are getting a lot more confident during Show and Tell and I think the boys and girls love to show their friends what they bring each week. We really encourage them to bring something every week as this promotes feeling apart of the lessons.

Tuesday evening is our Parents Info Evening. We hope to see everyone there.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Next week’s theme: Safety



The Manners Song!

We say thank you, we say please.

We don’t interrupt or tease.

We don’t argue.

We don’t fuss, listen when folks talk to us.

Share our toys and take our turn,

Manners are easy to learn.


Dates to Diarise:


Rare Disease Day: 24 Feb

Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb

(no school, no Holiday Club)





Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Jules and the Curious Crew Assistants

Healthy Happy Kiddies!


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