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Insects and Bees

Sep 29, 2023


Insects & Bees






13 & Recap



Ii – Insect

The Curious Crew had one busy week this week! Our ring times consisted of us discussing the different insects , and what makes them insects , and we spoke about why bees are important to nature. 

We practiced our shape , and how many sides it has , and we focused on our number too.. 


For art this week , we focused a bit on our art expo art that we can not wait for !! And we can’t wait to show it off to all you parents. 

We also did a very cute Reggio Emilia loose parts activity where each child had the job of creating their own insect garden using different materials as well as plastic insects. This was a very fun project for the class to complete.

We had the best baking Friday where we made cute little caterpillars using bananas , smarties and pretzels , the kids loved doing this and enjoyed eating it too. 


This week coach Trevor tested the class by timing their speed and their abilities on the playground. He timed as each child had to swing through the monkey bars , climbed the jungle gym , and raced to climb down , each child did their very best to get the best time. 


Yoga Day for Curious Crew: 


Keeping with this weeks theme of Insects, we did yoga to the song; ABC’s of insects. We then made a pot of “Insect Soup” discussing different types of insects and their characteristics. 

Next weeks theme : Frogs , Ponds and Dams 


and instead of getting scared, you appreciate the possibility that you got confused for a flower?


 Dates to Diarise: 

4 Oct: Haircut Day

20 Oct: Art Expo

25 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC)

26 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS)

26 Oct: Break Up Day

27, 28, 29 30 Oct: Mid Term Break

31 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants

Our BEEutiful Crew !

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