Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog

Mothers and Babies

May 6, 2022


Mothers & Babies









Mm – Mommy

Welcome back Curious Crew! Welcome to term 2.

It has been so wonderful to see all our cute kiddies! The Crew have easily adjusted to being back into the school routine.

This has been a short but busy week! We have been kept very busy making our Mother’s Day art! The Crew put a lot of effort into their pieces art and we just love how they have turned out!

We practiced some perceptual skills and learnt all about mothers and babies and the different names for baby animals.

During Fun Fit Sport w practiced for our Sports Day which is tomorrow! The Crew are so excited and we look forward to seeing you all there. Don’t forget to wear yellow!

The chilly Winter morning have definitely arrived!  Start your child on a multivitamin like Crèche Guard (if you haven’t already) to try beat the winter bugs going around. Also, please refer to the Sick Policy and keep children who are ill at home so we can minimize the spread of colds and flu. Label, label, label EVERYTHING! … In winter there are many more items of clothing coming to school and during the day as it warms up, we tend to remove layers and then things get very easily mixed up and sent home with the wrong child. 

Have a great weekend everyone, especially the moms! We hope you put your feet up and get lots of love and spoils.

Next week’s theme: The Farm – Fruit and Vegetables.


To all our AMAZING mommies ...

To the world, you are a mother.

But to your family, you are their WORLD!

 Dates to Diarise:

Sports Day: 7 May

Haircut Day: 11 May

Optometrist: 13 May 


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Jules and the Curious Crew Assistants

Mommies’ Munchkins!

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