Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog

My Family

Mar 8, 2024


My Family









Gg – Granny

This is one of our favourite themes! I love seeing how the Crew draw their little family members and the stories that go along with the drawings.

One of the most important points that we focused on when doing my family is emphasising that every family is different and unique. We asked the class if anyone knew what makes you a granny and grandpa, the answer was, ‘When you get old’ LOL So we did a little role play with the kids to find out. It was more entertaining for the Crew when we pair up children and said they were getting married… but they understood that only when your child has a child that’s when you become a Grandparents. Teacher Tegan also did a family tree on the board for us to show the class how your family branches out to Uncles, Aunties and cousins.

This week the Crew completed their first maths graph, so exciting and they did SO well! It was a bit of a long worksheet for them to complete and we did have to stop and carry on the next day but it was so great for them to see in a whole how many family members are in each household and to see some are more and some are less. They had to listen carefully to the instructions and concentrate on which number to colour to. I’m very proud of how well they all did in this exercise!

For artwork we did our families a little different… we made shape families. It came out BEAUTIFULLY!!!!! Sorry everyone this one is going to be saved for the art expo.

When it comes to identifying the polygon shapes it can get a little tricky. So we did a worksheet where to identify the Pentagon, Hexagon and Octagon. This was a little tricky as they had to look carefully at which one they were colouring the correct colour. But it’s good to challenge our children and their thinking.

Music and Movement for this week we practiced our concert songs and dance moves as well as war cries for our upcoming Sports Day this Saturday. We can’t wait the Crew are very excited and I’m sure we are going to rock it!

We hope all the Crew enjoyed their little Stop Sign biscuits, because they sure did enjoy decorating them! Us teacher’s couldn’t keep up with, ‘Teacher when is it my turn?’ and ‘Can we eat them now?’ LOL

Fun Fit Sports was a busy one! We did a full run down of all the Sports Day activities, the Crew are well prepared and very excited! I think more excited for all the war cries they will be shouting! Let’s go Curious Crew, let’s go!

Yay-yay for Yoga! In today’s yoga class we focused on our core strengths. We played the bubble popping game whereby each yogi must lie on their tummy in superhero pose and by lifting both arms (and elbows) off the ground, try to reach out to pop the bubbles. This exercise benefits their visual tracking skills, hand/eye coordination, sensory processing skills, as well as all the benefits Tummy-time offers!

Let’s all have a wonderful Sport’s Day tomorrow, we are all super excited!!!

Next week’s theme: My house


One sleep to go until Sports Day!


 Dates to Diarise:

9 March: Sports Day

14 March: Pet Demo

15 March: Haircut Day

21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)

22 March: School Holiday

29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend

11 April: Break Up Day

12 April: Holiday Club Starts



Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants

Our Curious Crew Family!

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