Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog

My Senses

Jan 27, 2023


My Senses










We have had an amazing week in the Curious Crew class! We have been super busy this week with some awesome creative activities. Where to even start?

During ring time discussions this week, we first went over our five senses, which the Crew knew quite well! Then we went into detail about the people who don’t have their sight and people who don’t have their hearing. We learnt that a person who cannot see, is blind and how they get around using a stick which they tap the ground with. Blind people also have guide dogs which help them get around. We asked the children how blind people can read and taught them that they read by dots on a page with their fingertips.

We also learnt that people who can’t hear are deaf. People who can’t hear have a special way to speak to each other. Sign language! We learnt a few words in sign language …  I love you, yes, no, please, thank you and I’m sorry. Please ask your little ones at home, to show you the sign language they have learnt. Here is the YouTube link that we used so that your kiddies can show you what they’ve learnt. https://youtu.be/fnFWAzd3Kfw

For Art this week, we used little sequence beads to write our names in braille, the class absolutely loved learning about braille and did so well in completing this activity.

Show and Tell went over very well and we were very proud of all the kiddie’s little presentations that they did for us! Well done Clever Crew, you have impressed us with how well you speak in front of the class as well as remembering all the details of your Show and Tell.

Thinking tricks: Please try some of these fun games at home with your Crew eg. putting on a movie but switching off the screen and having them only listen to the sound, seeing if they can guess which movie is on. Or sing a few songs, saying the wrong word here and there and see if they notice… This is just so much fun and we love to see their reactions, it will make you laugh, at the same time, working on those very important listening skills. Let us know if there are any that you come up with, that will be fun in class to do too.

Next week’s theme: Health and Hygiene



The Senses ...

being the explorers of the WORLD, open the way to KNOWLEDGE!


 Dates to Diarise: 

27 Jan: Bonfire Picnic

15 Feb: Haircut Day

17 Feb: Valentines Disco 

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: Curious Crew Term meeting

24 – 27 Feb: Mid Term Break

28 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ashleigh and the Curious Crew Assistants

Our Sensational Crew!

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