Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog


Jul 26, 2024











Nn- Night

Space is always such an exciting and interesting theme which we can expand so much on. The Crew have a good understanding of space and it was great to go into the finer detail about space. This week our ring times have been extra-long because there is just so much information on space. 

The Sun is a star and the stars we see up in the night sky are far away ‘suns’ in the sky. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are rocky planets, they are solid, and Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are planets made of liquid and gas. 

The rings around Saturn are made up of rocks, dust and ice. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system because of the gas that surrounds the planet and traps hot air under the gas cloud. Our galaxy is called The Milky Way. 

Go through some of these facts with your children to see how many they can remember from ringtime discussions. We also watched a few YouTube Videos on astronauts up in space and how they wash their hair, brush their teeth, how they go to the toilet and the kind of exercises they have to do to keep fit. 

Over the past few weeks, we have been hard at work with concert practice. Each day the Crew have been up on stage making sure they know their moves and their words for this special occasion! We are SUPER proud of them and are really holding thumbs that when they are up their looking down on so many people that they are still just as confident and full of beans ready to show off to their friends and family. We have told the Crew to just have fun and give us big smiles when they are up there! 

Here is a breakdown of some of the activities we have completed in the last 2 weeks. The Crew had to complete a colour by numbers solar system. This activity is not only about colouring in but ‘reading’, number recognition and planning.  

We did a little hexagon and counting activity where the Crew were instructed, in a hive of hexagons, they had to draw 9 bees. Again, they had to pay attention to what they were doing and count as they went along. Believe it or not a lot of the Crew drew many more than 9 bees. LOL. 

We also completed a visual perceptual worksheet. The Crew had to first colour in a picture of our solar system. Then they had to cut the picture out, which was divided into 6 pieces. And stick it back together like a puzzle. One of the kiddies really struggled with this and became teary and upset that her puzzle wasn’t coming together as she wanted it to because she stuck the pieces down first before organising them to see which ones fit together. This was a great learning opportunity! I reassured her that it was ok to be upset but she can learn from this and next time know how to plan better.  

Learning opportunities like this are gems! Life lessons! It’s ok to make mistakes and that things don’t always work out like you planned but you can learn from these mistakes and now you will know a better way to approach this type of challenge in the future.  

We hope you enjoy the Concert! We are ready and super excited! 

Next week’s theme: Dinosaurs 





 Dates to Diarise:

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Precious Stars!

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