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The Farm: Farm Animals

May 31, 2024


The Farm: Farm Animals









Ff – Farm

Even though this was a short week in the Curious Crew class. We got through some really cool and fun activities!  

Farming animals: Why do we farm animals Curious Crew? To eat them. This was not a concept that made the Crew squeamish. We went through all the meats and what animal they belonged to as well as what other food and non-food products come from animals. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, wool, feathers and eggs.  

The week started off with the Crew’s first Reggio Emilia Loose Parts art project. The Crew had in front of them farm animals, small acorns, white pebbles, Jacaranda seed pods and corks. They were instructed to make their own farm using these materials. It was very interesting to see who loved this art piece and who wasn’t quite interested. How they went about setting out their farm yards. Lovely work Crew. We will be doing a Reggio Emilia art piece each week as an intermural activities. Let the imaginary play really begin! 

We also decided we wanted to make a concrete art piece to add to our Art expo collection. The Crew made paper plate little chickens where they had to paint feathers onto their chickens but using a fork. They really enjoyed using a different art medium to paint and our chickens’ looks so cute! 

Assessments have still be going on, thank you for a full class attendance almost every day this week!  

After Wednesdays’ Voting Day we wanted to do a little voting ourselves in the Curious Crew class! We set up a booth and ballads on which is the best farm animal. Each child got a stamped ballad and some ink on their finger nail. They were able to go and cast their vote and once the voting was done, the numbers were tallied up, the best farm yard animal was the Horse. Well done beautiful horse you are the most liked farm yard animal. 

After cooking this week we decided to shake it up and make some homemade BUTTER! We took some cream, a jar with 2 pinches of salt and we shook and shook and shook and shook! Each Crew member got to shake it up and once the cream had become so thick and we thought we weren’t able to shake anymore that’s where the magic started to happen. We could see the cream starting to come away from the jar and with lots more shacking the cream became a blob. With more shaking the blob started to separate..YAY finally butter was achieved! The excuse milk was poured into cups and the Crew got to taste the salty milk that was left behind. No one liked it but I love that they most of them gave it a try! The butter we made was used on their sandwiches for snack that day. What an awesome experience to make some butter and get to taste all the elements in the making. 

During FunFit Sports this week Coach Trevor got out the cricket bat and balls and Crew enjoyed hitting a few balls. Working on their hand-eye coordination as well as a fun favourite South African game they might grow up to watch and enjoy one day. 

In Yoga this week the Crew held onto the magic stick! The kiddies had to use their tummy muscles to hold their arms and legs straight out in a superman pose. This move targets the upper and lower back, abs and hamstrings. It offers great support and strengthens the muscles for bending and reduces the risk of back injury. The task was to hold the stick for 5 seconds, using 1 hand moving the stick to the left and then to the right, finishing off with 5 seconds holding. Well done to all the yogis, this was a challenging workout but with lots of benefits. Physical movement and sports is so important not only in these younger years but throughout your whole life. Keep active, keep moving! 

Next week’s theme: Transport 





Have a HAPPY weekend folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

7 June: Haircut Day

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!

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