Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog

The Farm: Farm Animals

May 20, 2022


Farm Animals




Circle &Sphere





Ff – Farm

This was quite a busy week for the Curious Crew class. We managed to get through a lot of work and we are busy with assessments. We are so proud of the children and they are really performing well!

We started off the week with some assessment prep, focusing on colour patterns and measurement (biggest to smallest) as well as number and letter recognition.

The Crew, loved this week’s theme and during ring-time, Teacher Clarissa asked the children to make their favourite farm animal’s sound when she called their name. Wow, the sounds we heard were so funny! We were all laughing and giggling at each other! We read some more awesome books all about farming animals and what each animal’s purpose is on the farm. We incorporated the moral conscious into this week by reading a story where each farm animal would brag about what they do on the farm and say that they are the best and most important. The story concluded by saying that each animals plays a significant part in order for the farm to run and therefore there is no need to brag.

Another exciting thing we did this week was let the children choose which character they would like to be in the school concert. Every child got the opportunity to choose what they want to be so you will see you have been added to a WhatsApp group of the character your child will be in the concert. So exciting!

We started our letter Challenge this week and look forward to seeing the awesome work the children will be putting into this! Have fun mom and dads and feel free to take pictures and send them to us!

We completed such an amazing art piece this week and you will find some images in the blog of this. The children were asked to create their own farm. This is a Reggio Emelia concept where it brings out the child’s imagination by using different objects to create their masterpiece. Have a look! We were so proud of them!

We completed one more art activity on Thursday, the Crew were asked to colour in their very own baby chick and stick it on a page. They then covered the chick with an ‘egg’ and began to rip open the paper to uncover their special baby chick. They absolutely loved this art piece.

Over the next few weeks, we will be assessing the children – if we could please ask that you make sure that your child is at school so that we are able to assess him/her. Thank you kindly! We hope that you all have a lovely weekend filled with many memories shared together!

Keep warm everyone!

Next week’s theme: Wild Animals and Birds  of Prey

World BEE Day!

BEE thankful, BEE positive, BEE cool …

But most of all …

BEE kind!

 Dates to Diarise:

Haircut Day: 8 June

Hearing Tests: 13 June

Bike-a-Thon: 15 June

Public Holiday: 16 June

School Holiday: 17 June

Book Character Dress Up Day & Break Up Day: 24 June

Mid Term Week Break: 27 June (no school, no Holiday Club)

Back to School: 4 July


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Jules and the Curious Crew Assistants

What a BAAAA – eautiful Week!

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