Fruit & Veggies
V v – Vegetables
We would like to start off this week’s blog by saying a massive well done to our Curious Crew for their awesome participation in our very first sports day! We are so proud of them and the enthusiasm they showed! Thank you to you parents for the effort and support you showed. It really was a great day and we hope your little Curious Crew team member had a fun and memorable day.
Yay for Farm week! This week we focused on the planting, growing and harvesting of fruit and vegetables on the farm. The farm theme is always a hit with the children. There is something so much fun and interesting about farms that kids just love. The planting and growing of fruit and vegetables and learning that this is where our basic foods come from is so important. Along with that we learnt about the value of food and not wasting it. We explained to the Crew that many people don’t have access to food in the way that we do which is why we should try not to throw away and waste food unnecessarily.
During ring time we had a look at many pictures of all the common fruit and vegetables – here we discussed which vegetables grow in the ground (the root vegetables), which vegetables grow on top of the ground, which fruit and vegetables grow on trees/bushes and what part of the vegetables and fruit we eat. We did a sorting activity with different vegetables and grouped them accordingly.
Thank you to Ariana for bringing some awesome books about the farm and farming for us to read this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed them and the books helped them to learn even more interesting things about farming. One book even taught us all about grape farming (vineyards) and what grapes are mainly farmed for. Ask your kiddo what wine is made out of and they should be able to give you the right answer hehe 😉 If you have any theme related books at home, please do bring them for us to read.
Assessments are underway and we began the week with assessing the children on their ability to trace and write their name (pencil grip and fine motor, letter recognition), cut along zig-zag lines and draw a simple picture of themselves (their body image). Their ability to copy a pattern and their colouring in was also assessed, we have seen great improvement in this area, well done Curious Crew!
We were very proud of how they performed in an activity where they were required to sit at their table with a piece of paper and black crayon and follow step by step instructions in order to copy a simple drawing of a farm setting. Being able to copy something from the white board is something that is done more frequently in grade R and therefore is an important skill for them to begin learning. This activity tests their ability to listen, follow simple instructions and copy from the board – transferring information that they interpret and recreating it on their own.
This week Gerry is back and we look forward to seeing more Gerry adventures in the coming weeks 😊 Next week we continue with the farm theme but we focus on farm animals – this is even more exciting!
Have a great weekend everyone!
15 May is Family Day!
Family …
where life begins and love never ends!
Dates to Diarise:
Farm Visit/Show: 20 May (at School)
Haircut Day: 8 June
Hearing Tests: 13 June
Bike-a-Thon: 15 June
Public Holiday: 16 June
School Holiday: 17 June
Book Character Dress Up Day & Break Up Day: 24 June
Mid Term Week Break: 27 June (no school, no Holiday Club)
Back to School: 4 July
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Jules and the Curious Crew Assistants