Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog

Travel and Holidays

Nov 24, 2023


Travel & Holidays




Square / Recap





Hh – Hot

This week in the Curious Crew class we had a blast discussing our best holiday memories. We spoke about the different ways we can travel as well as what is needed from us when entering a different country. We focused on our shape of the week too, which the class has done a phenomenal job in recognizing so great job there!! We sang our colour of the week song as well as counted to 19 and stopped.  

Overall it was a very exciting and educational time during ring time this week in the Curious Crew.


For art this week , we started doing some Christmas art. Which is hands down the best art we do all year. We know the parents are going to treasure these art pieces forever. 

To go with our exciting theme, we made the cutest post cards. Each child has to draw their most fondest memory of a family holiday on the postcard. Once they has completed that they were tasked with writing (copying) an address onto the card and pasting a stamp on too. It was a hit, everyone gave this activity their all. 

 FunFit Sports

This week coach Trevor took the time to complete his annual assessments with the children, he assessed all the important gross motor milestones. The kids still enjoyed the challenges that were set out for them. 


Yoga day!! 

With the help of a basketball, we worked on our core strength and pelvic floor activation. It was a morning of Yoglates(yoga and pilates) 

Next week’s theme :  Christmas 


What is your DREAM destination?


 Dates to Diarise: 

4: Magic Show

5 Dec: Christmas Party

6 Dec: School Break Up Day

7 Dec: Holiday Club Starts

15 Dec: Holiday Club Ends


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants

Our Little Jet Setters!

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