Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog

Under The Sea

Nov 3, 2023


Under The Sea


Dark Blue


Circle & Cylinder





Uu – Under

The Curious Crew had a blast with this theme , as it was a double week theme of UNDER THE SEA, 

This theme has made ring time and theme discussions very very interesting , as we have discussed and spoken about our favourite sea animals and creatures , as well as discussing why these animals specifically live in the sea. 

We had a blast watching educational videos on sea creatures and what makes them so very special too. 

It has been fun learning about each child’s favourite creature. 

We have also taken the time to count to 50 , and practice that several times , and we also enjoyed our all time new favourites of reading our rhyming word books. 


For art this week , we had a very special job and class project , we all worked together very closely and we created our Oscar the Octopus , we used many colours and sponges to paint on his tentacles , and we linked all our papers together to create this very very special little new member of our curious crew classroom. 


This week with coach Trevor , we continued with our assessments for our reports , he put us to the real test and we had to show him exactly what we are made of ! The curious crew sure do love being challenged 😁 

Have a lovely weekend!






 Dates to Diarise: 

7 Nov: Haircut Day

8 Nov: Shopping Activity (during school)

10 Nov: CC Entrepreneur Market

15 Nov: HH Outing

22 Nov: SS Graduation

24 Nov: CC & SS Outings



Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants

Our ‘SCHOOL’ of Crew!

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