Winter, Temperatures, Fire & Ice
20 & Recap
Ww – Winter
This week , the Curious Crew class had so much to chat about in our theme discussion and Morning ring. We spoke about what winter means to us , and how do we know it’s winter . We spoke about the different clothing we wear , the different food we eat , and what we do in our homes to keep warm. We also spoke about what happens to our temperature during winter , and what happens to our environment and surroundings on cold mornings.
We also focused on our phonic letters , as well as our counting. And we are so proud of how well everyone is doing regarding their counting.
For art this week ; we made the most beautiful icicle, using silver glitter , and boy this came out beautifully! We also finger painted a fire flame using red , orange and yellow paint. This was by far their most favourite art activity yet. We then used sand and sticks to incorporate a 3D art for the week. .
Yoga Day!
This week we used our senses to guess what was in our mystery bag.
Each yogi got a chance to feel around in the bag, with their eyes closed, and select 1 item to squeeze, feel, shake, smell. The yogis then had to describe the item using textures, hard or soft, shapes, what it’s made of etc.
Heart matters
Learning about our 3 different brains we have in our bodies 1. Head brain. 2. Heart brain 3. Gut brain , and teacher Hela explained that out head brain is where we use our brains to think and process our emotions and how we learn etc.
We used our fist , to demonstrate our brain , and the different sections of our brains and what they control.
Teacher Hela then used a little doll house ,and little puppets , she explained that the house demonstrates a house in our brain , with an upstairs and a downstairs , dividing up our different emotions, that we process throughout our day.
This was a wonderful and creative way to demonstrate on our our brain works together control how we react in situations.
May we have the most blessed and warm midterm break next week ! May everyone be safe and enjoy their time at home.
Next theme : Reptiles
Have A Wonderful Mid-Term Break! ... Keep Warm! ... Safe Travels To Those Going Away!
Dates to Diarise:
3 July: Back to School
5 July: Reptile Day
7 July: Hearing Tests (details to follow soon)
12 July: Haircut Day
15 July: EcoKids Concert
18 July: Nelson Mandela Day
21 July: Eye Screening
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants