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Autumn, Birds, Migration and Easter

Apr 7, 2023


Autumn, Birds, Migration & Easter




Cross & Oval





Oo – Oval

Wow, just like that, and Easter has arrived!

We started off this chilly week with a progressive Easter card.

To reinforce our shape of the week, the children were given an oval shape to colour in a patterned Easter egg. This was a fun fine motor activity.

 To incorporate Autumn into this week we all went on a nature walk to have a look at all the trees and look for Autumn colour leaves. We just love going on nature walks around our beautiful school.

We made Easter Egg baskets, these came out so cute. We cut old milk bottles in half and pasted pieces of pastel colours of paper onto the basket. We then added some ears, whiskers, a nose, and a tail and lastly ribbon for a handle. We hope our Hoppers use these to collect their eggs from the Easter bunny.

 Our Easter Egg Hunt with the Easter Fairies was so much fun, our Hoppers were so excited to go on the hunt for Easter eggs.

 Happy Easter to our Happy Hoppers families, have a safe and lovely holiday, for those joining our holiday club, see you there and for those who are not, we will see you in Term 2.

Wishing All Our Christian Families And Friends A Happy And Blessed Easter ...


 Dates to Diarise:  

7 – 10 April: Easter Weekend

11 April: Holiday Club Starts

27 April: Public Holiday (No Holiday Club)

28 April: Last Day of Holiday Club

1 May: Public Holiday (No Holiday Club)

2 May: Staff Return (No Holiday Club)

3 May: Term 2 Starts!


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

First Term Done And Dusted!

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