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Caring For Our World: Recycling

Jun 10, 2022











Rr – Recycling

Being an eco-friendly school, this is a theme that we are very passionate about! We had a lot of serious theme discussions this week and it warms our hearts to see our young Hoppers so enthusiastic about preserving our planet. Their passion really showed in their artwork!

 We started the week off by talking about recycling and what it means to recycle. We spoke about the different coloured bins and what they stand for: green for paper, yellow for plastic, blue for glass and red for tin. Each child was given a recycle bin picture to colour in. After they had coloured in their pictures, there was an array of recycled goods such as plastic tabs, soda can tabs, egg shells and paper. The Hoppers were asked to glue the recycled objects onto the recycling bin and they used wool for the hair, these came out so cute!

To explain how items, we throw away, can be recycled into something cool by reusing them, we created awesome recycled castanets! The Happy Hoppers sponge painted strips of cereal boxes, we then added bottle caps and other bits and pieces of recycled materials making the cutest recycled castanets. Our Hoppers just love them and have so much fun playing with them.  

 At Cooking, our Hoppers got to add all the ingredients needed to make chocolate cake, once the cake was baked, they added some sour worms. The Hoppers got to help package their delicious treat with recycled packaging. They all had so much fun and couldn’t wait to eat their yummy chocolate cake.

 Our Hoppers are hard at work learning concert songs and they are all doing so well with learning the words. We are super proud of them!

 It has been a great week filled with fun and creativity!

 Have a safe and lovely weekend.

Our theme next week is: Father’s Day and Sport




… turns things into other things. Which is like MAGIC!

 Dates to Diarise:

Hearing Tests: 13 June

Bike-a-Thon: 15 June

Public Holiday: 16 June

School Holiday: 17 June

Book Character Dress Up Day & Break Up Day: 24 June

Mid Term Week Break: 27 June (no school, no Holiday Club)

Back to School: 4 July


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our Eco-Green-Ambassadors!

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