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Caring For Our World – Recycling

Jun 9, 2023


Caring For Our World – Recycling









Rr- Recycling

Being an eco-friendly school, this is a theme that we are very passionate about. We had a lot of serious theme discussions this week, and it warms our hearts to see our young Hoppers so enthusiastic about preserving our planet. Their passion really showed in their artwork! 

For our art this week, we did a class piece. We just loved how this came out. We found a big piece of recycled wood and then painted it. We then found red bottle lids to create a heart. The hoppers each had a turn to choose a different piece of recycled material, and then we glued it to the wood in the heart. (All the recycled materials represent plastic, paper, tin, and glass).  Each child got to do their handprint, and each handprint was named and stuck to our recycled masterpiece. We will be keeping this piece for the Art Expo, so all the children that were absent this week will still have a chance to add their handprints.  

The hoppers worked on their ball skills this week at Fun Fit Sport with Coach Trevor. They dribbled a ball in and out of cones with enthusiasm and skill. The hoppers did an amazing job and seemed to enjoy the activity. Coach Trevor was very proud of them. It was a great session, and everyone had a great time. 

At cooking, our Hoppers got to watch an educational video that explained to them what compost is and how we make it; after watching the video, we had a little discussion about how and why compost is good for our plants. We explained to them that our plants also need veggies to help them grow big and strong!   

Our Hoppers are hard and work learning concert songs and are all doing well with learning the words. We are super proud of them! Thank you to those that have already brought concert clothes. Just a reminder for those who haven’t yet, we would like to have them in by mid-term break, please – 23 June. 

We really hope to have all our Hoppers back Monday morning, hope all our sick Hoppers feel better over the weekend. Remember to take vitamins and keep warm!  

It has been a great week filled with fun and creativity!  

Have a safe and lovely weekend. 

Our theme next week is: Father’s Day and Sport 





 Dates to Diarise: 

15 June: Bike-a-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day 

23 June: Break Up Day

26, 27, 28, 20, 30 June: Mid Term Break

3 July: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our Green Ambassadors!

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