Dd – Dinosaur
These past two weeks have been FANTASTIC! We truly love this theme.
We recapped and had many theme discussions about names of dinosaurs and types of dinosaurs; herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We also spoke about prehistoric, fossils and extinction.
We even had dinosaurs come and visit our school in the evenings and Teacher Kate-Lynn managed to get some pics. Our Hoppers were so excited about this!
Our first week was filled with lots of fun. The children loved learning about this theme and it is safe to say that our Hoppers are experts when it comes to dinosaurs. Their imaginations ran wild and there was dinosaur role-play on a daily basis. We started our dinosaur theme off with our “d” for dinosaur colouring worksheet. We are focusing on fine motor skills to encourage the Happy Hoppers tripod pencil grip. We then cut out our dino pics and put together our “d” for dinosaur. We had very cute dinosaurs.
We also created 3D dinosaurs out of halved paper plates, toilet rolls and a stencil of a dino head and tail. These 3D dinos looked amazing, so we decided to keep them for art expo.
Our cooking activity to end off this week was a hit. We made some playdough for our Hoppers to play with, this was so much fun and some of our Hoppers even made dinosaurs out of the playdough.
FunFit sport this week, coach Trevor got our Hoppers to play cricket. This was so exciting for them.
Did you know?
The first dinosaur ever named was a Megalosaurus. A person who looks for dinosaur fossils is called a Palaeontologist.
Week two the fun continued and we spoke about dinosaur fossils. Our activity for the week was making a dinosaur fossil. We painted a dinosaur fossil picture with brown water paint. The next day we layout all different kinds of pasta and the children stuck the pasta onto the page creating amazing fossils. Our dinosaur fossils look so real. Our Hoppers really enjoyed making them.
For Funfit sport, they played a fun ball game. There were three holes in a stand painted a different colour. The Hoppers had to try aim and throw the ball into the matching colour hole. They all did an amazing job!
Our children love baking and our final activity to end off this week was a hit. We made dinosaur footprint cookies. The children each got a ball of cookie dough and pressed it down, using a toy dinosaur we then pressed the dinosaur foot into the dough leaving an awesome footprint. Thank you teacher Katy, the cookies were delicious!
It has been a great two weeks.
With the last two days of school next week, we would like to wish you all an amazing holiday, travel safe if you are travelling. See you soon for term 3!
Our theme next term is: Spring and flowers and planting
Have a safe and lovely weekend!
Keep Warm!
Dates to Diarise:
8 Aug: Pyjama Dress Up Day
8 Aug: Break Up Day
9 Aug: Public Holiday
10 Aug: Holiday Club Starts
1 Sept: Holiday Club Ends
6 Sept: Term 3 Starts!
Lots of love
Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hopper Assistants