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Dinosaurs – Under the Soil

Aug 8, 2024











Dd – Day

What a fun two weeks of learning all about dinosaurs! 

There was so much knowledge for our Happy Hoppers to absorb, and WOW! They did so well! 

They learnt all about the diverse types of dinosaurs … ones that used to swim and ones that used to fly, even though not all flying dinosaurs had feathers. They even remembered big words like Pterodactyl, Pterosaurs, Paleontologist and when the first fossils were discovered (over two hundred years ago!) 

We listened to some fun songs with even more information about dinosaurs. Even our worksheets were dinosaur themed! During these two weeks we concentrated on cutting skills, drawing of shapes, counting and colours. Our beautiful artwork of a dinosaur shadow will be displayed at the Art show. Our Happy Hoppers are getting so excited to show all their creativity! 

For FunFit Sports this week, Coach Trevor carried on improving our hand-eye coordination with catching and batting. Our Happy Hoppers are getting so good with this activity. 

Yoga Day was all about dinosaurs too!

We marched and stomped, roared, rolled around in happy baby pose and calmed our breath like a baby Dinosaur. 

Ending off with a sequence of tree, cat, cow, dog, snake poses. 

Enjoy the well-deserved break! It was a busy term. We can’t wait for the new adventures that lie ahead for Term 3. 


Have a wonderful holiday folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts

2 Sept: Holiday Club Ends

3 Sept: Staff Return To School

4 Sept: First Day of Term 3!

6 Sept: Haircut Day

9 Sept: School Photographs

10 Sept: School Photographs

11 Sept: School Photographs

20 Sept: Hat Parade Day

23 Sept: School Holiday

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)


Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

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