Health & Hygiene
Here’s what we got up to this week;
For our art piece this week, we made amazing hand washing sensory bags. We traced our hands and cut them out and stuck them onto paper. We then filled zip lock bags with hand soap and all sorts to make germs. This is a great sensory activity where the Hoppers can play with the bag by moving all the germs away from the hands. Our Hoppers loved making the sensory bag and couldn’t wait to take them home. I hope they enjoy!
We did two germ experiments to convey how quickly germs can spread and what we can use to stop spreading germs. Our first experiment was a science experiment where we had a plate of water and pepper floating in the plate. We explained to the children that the pepper is like the germs. As we added soap to our fingers and put our finger in the water the pepper moved to the side of the plate, showing how soap kills germs. Our second experiment was with glitter. We put some glitter on our hands and pretended that the glitter was the germs. As we touched our legs, hands or faces the glitter would spread. We explained to the children that this is how easily germs can spread and we need to wash our hands with soap.
Fine motor skills are very important at this age, we incorporated a fine motor activity for our shape, colour and number for the week. Our Hoppers had to trace over the triangles and colour them in green as well as trace over the number three.
Our Hoppers are starting to remember the Jolly Phonics’ songs based on the letters that we have completed and this will help them in identifying their letters and their sounds. Please ask your children to sing “We are clicking castanets C C C” …
Happy Hoppers Yoga:
We listened and did yoga actions to a story by Cosmic Kids. The theme was Jungle Adventure where we did elephant, lion, snake, monkey, gorilla and crocodile poses. We also learnt the baby names of each while doing the poses:
Snake – snakelets 🐍
Croc- hatchling
Lion- cup
Elephant- calf
Gorilla- infant
For FunFit Sports this week the Hoppers showed off their climbing skills. They really impressed Coach Dave with their upper body strength, getting to the top of the jungle gym with very little assistance as well as finishing off the lesson with some monkey bars! Such strong arms Hoppers!!
What a great week we had!
Next Week's Theme
Healthy Eating, Manners and Etiquette!
Dates to Diarise:
15 Feb: Haircut Day
17 Feb: Valentines Disco
20 Feb: Fire Drill
21 Feb: Curious Crew Term meeting
24 – 27 Feb: Mid Term Break
28 Feb: Back to School
Lots of love
Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants