Insects & Bees
13 & Recap
Ii – Insect
We started our week working on our fine motor and tracing skills with an insect worksheet. The children had to trace on the lines and colour in their insects. Such beautiful colouring Hoppers!
Our Happy Hoppers created the most beautiful bees. They stuck on googly eyes, painted their bodies yellow and then finger painted on stripes and created beautiful glitter wings.
Our next activity we did for our bees was make a hexagon shape and painted bubble wrap with a glittery honey colour and stamped our hexagons, these came out amazing and we will be keeping out bee art for Art Expo.
For cooking this week, we made delicious chocolate cake, crumbled it up to look like mud and added tasty sour worms. The Hoppers really enjoyed making this and I’m sure they will enjoy eating it.
YAY-YAY YOGA! Keeping with this week’s theme of insects, we did yoga to the song ABS’s of insects. We then made a pot of insect “Insect Soup” discussing different types of insects and their characteristics.
We ended off this week working on our gross motor skills by doing insect movements. We hopped like grasshoppers, flapped our wings like butterflies and crawled on the ground like ants and beetles.
It has been a great week.
Next week’s theme is Frogs and Ponds, Rivers and Dams.
Please don’t forget to purchase your Art Expo tickets, this is one evening you don’t want to miss!
Wishing you all an awesome weekend.
Stay safe,
and instead of getting scared, you appreciate the possibility that you got confused for a flower?
Dates to Diarise:
4 Oct: Haircut Day
20 Oct: Art Expo
25 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC)
26 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS)
26 Oct: Break Up Day
27, 28, 29 30 Oct: Mid Term Break
31 Oct: Back to School
Lots of love
Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants