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Land, Air and Sea Transport

Jun 2, 2023


Land, Air & Sea Transport









Jj- Jet

We started off this week talking about different kinds of air, land, and sea transport. We also had so much fun pretending to be different kinds of transport. We spread our arms and were super-fast jets, we made “Choo-Choo sounds for a train and blew our horns to be a big ship. 

The Hoppers were given a page and with help from the teachers, folded the paper to make paper airplanes, the airplanes were then coloured to decorate them. Our Hoppers were so excited to go test their paper airplanes outside in our Hopper’s Garden.   

For our art, we incorporated our shape, colour, and transport theme into one masterpiece. We sponge painted a diamond shape piece of paper navy blue, the children were given all different kinds of shapes to make a car, boat, and an airplane to stick onto the paper and then turned the diamond into a kite.  

Our letter for the week was “Jj”, our letter land book was all about Jumping Jim, we all jumped around the classroom like jumping Jim saying different “J” words. Please ask your Hoppers to tell you some words that start with the letter “J’? This was so much fun, and our Hoppers really impressed us when asked for “J” words. 

On Tuesday for yoga, they worked on picture and pose association. There were a variety of pictures with animals/ transport and numbers. They did poses according to their picture and the number of breaths according to the numbers on the picture. 



We listened to a new song called “I am a mountain tall and strong” and chatted about different animals and birds which we find in the wild, jungle, ocean and rainforest 

Our Hopper did their cooking session Friday morning and turned their morning snack into boats. They cut their fruit into triangles and stuck them into their muffins with a toothpick and made the most delicious muffin boats. Well done, Hoppers! 

Our Hoppers are doing so well learning concert songs, we a super proud of them. We cannot wait for concert day. So exciting 

It has been such a great week! 

Our theme next week is: Caring for our World: Recycling 

Have a safe and lovely weekend and keep warm! 




If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?


 Dates to Diarise: 

7 June: Haircut Day

15 June: Bike-a-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day

23 June: Break Up Day

26, 27, 28, 29, 30 June: Mid Term Break

3 July: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our Jet Setters!

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