Mothers & Babies
Mm – Mommy
Welcome back to all of our Hoppers! It is so awesome to see you all again! We were thrilled to see how excited our Hoppers were to be back at school. It has been a very busy short and loud week with all the excitement of seeing friends and teacher’s again.
Our theme this week was Mothers and Babies in celebration of Mother’s Day on Sunday. We hope that you like your card and present! Our Hoppers loved creating these goodies for you, Mommies!
The children’s favourite activity was making their heart shaped snacks! We used our fine motor skills to thread Froot Loops onto pipe cleaners, which they bent into the shape of a heart. The best part about this activity was eating the Froot Loops that were left over!
We also made a sugar body scrub. For this activity we melted coconut oil, added in some Lavender essence and lastly added brown sugar once the oil had cooled a bit. We hope our Hopper mommies feel spoilt, as you most certainly deserve it! (P.S. let the tub soak in warm water to soften).
The chilly Winter mornings have definitely arrived! Start your child on a multivitamin like Crèche Guard (if you haven’t already) to try beat the winter bugs going around. Also, please refer to the Sick Policy and keep children who are ill at home so we can minimize the spread of colds and flu. Label, label, label EVERYTHING! … In winter there are many more items of clothing coming to school and during the day as it warms up, we tend to remove layers and then things get very easily mixed up and sent home with the wrong child.
We look forward to seeing you all at our Sports day tomorrow!
Next week’s theme: The Farm – Fruit and Veggies
To all our AMAZING mommies ...
To the world, you are a mother.
But to your family, you are their WORLD!
Dates to Diarise:
Sports Day: 7 May
Haircut Day: 11 May
Optometrist: 13 May
Lots of love
Teacher Alexia, Teacher Kate-Lynn and the Happy Hoppers Assistants