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My Emotions and Valentine’s Day

Feb 12, 2022


My Emotions & Valentine’s Day


Pink, Red, White







Ll – Love

This week we spread love with our theme of “My Emotions” and especially with it being Valentine’s Day on Monday. We started the week of love off with reinforcing our letter ‘L’. The Hoppers turned their letter into a Ladybug. First they glued their ‘l’ onto their page, then they added wings, eyes, feelers and glass stones for their dots!

Our children had a great week speaking about love and why we love our mommies, our daddies, our families and our friends. We also spoke about our feelings and the different emotions we may feel from time to time. For our ‘feelings activity’ we made ‘a bunch of feelings’, where the children coloured in different emotion faces and glued them together to create grapes. They added a stick for the stalk and a paper leaf.

To incorporate our emotions, during Ring Time we discussed our Calm Corner and the purpose it serves. We also spoke about the ‘Feelings Jar’ which is filled up with glitter and squishy balls and goes hand-in-hand with our Calm Corner.

Little ones often have a hard time handling their emotions.  They feel everything so strongly, from love to frustration.  When it’s the latter, calming down can be a challenge, and for some kids common techniques like ‘time outs’ just don’t work all the time.  The children can shake up the ‘Feelings Jar’ (an action that will help work out the feeling of frustration), and then watch the glitter and squishy balls swirl and slowly sink – it’s a mesmerizing distraction.  Once the glitter is all settled their calming time is over, if they still don’t feel ready to re-enter society they can shake and watch for as many rounds as they need.

For our Valentine’s Day art, our kiddies created the most adorable picture frames to stick on your fridge! They decorated their ice cream stick frames with buttons and magnets!

For Cooking on Friday, they Hoppers had such a helping hand in making Mixed Berry Pies!! Some Hoppers helped with rolling out the pastry, some helped in cutting the pastry into sections, others helped with scooping the berry mixture onto the pies, some helped with using the heart shaped cookie cutter and others helped with forking the edges! They had such a blast in making these treats! We hope that all Mommies and Daddies can have a little taste before it gets gobbled up by your munchkin!

Of course, we had to make a Valentine’s card for our lovely parents! This was done by making the most beautiful tree on the front cover. Our Hoppers used bark and cinnamon sticks for the tree trunks and gorgeous leaves from outside.

Today we celebrated our annual Valentines disco. I’m sure you can just imagine the amount of excitement that was floating about! Rest assured, we had a ball!!!

Next week our theme is: Healthy Eating, Etiquette and Manners.

Have a safe and lovely weekend!



HOPPY Valentine's Disco

 On Friday we celebrated Valentine’s Day with a Valentine’s disco!

Our Hoppers had so much fun dancing and it was a great way to get rid of some energy due to all the rain we have had over the last few weeks.

Our Hoppers sure do have the moves!


Dates to Diarise:


Haircut Day: 16 Feb

Bon Fire Picnic: 18 Feb

Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb

(no school, no Holiday Club)





Lots of love

Teacher Alexia, Teacher Kate-Lynn and the Happy Hopper Assistants

Love is in the air!


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