Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog

My Family

Mar 3, 2023


My Family









Gg – Granny

This week it’s all about our families. We started off this short week by doing a number activity. We mixed red and blue paint which made purple paint. We painted a number, traced the number 7, and showed how we got the colour purple by colouring in red + blue = Purple.

We discussed our Families and who all lives with us and who is in our family. At the end of the week, we drew our family, we got some very interesting family portraits!

Over the next few weeks we will be working on our integrated theme art piece, this week our Hoppers painted a triangle with bubble wrap for our shape of the week and coloured in little pictures of their family members. We are so excited to see how the art will come out at the end.

We had a free play day with construction blocks and puppets. Free play activities are just as important as structured activities, as it alllows the children to use their imagination and explore. It also allows the children to work on their social skills such as sharing and communicating their feelings.

Happy Hoppers Yoga week: partner poses was our theme on yoga day. Focusing on working as a team. We had to use our balance and core strength to not fall over. Lots of giggles, and laughter.

Coach Dave will be getting the kiddies ready for Sports Day at FunFit Sports over the next few weeks …  we don’t want to give away what the children will be doing on the day! Remember to diarise the 25th of March so you can see where all the “Hoppers” hard work has gone into!

Concert practice is also well on the way, for our music lessons each week we will be learning and practicing concert songs. So much excitement!

It has been a great week.

Our theme next week is: My House

We Wanna Know ...

What is your fondest FAMILY memory?


 Dates to Diarise:

8 March: Happy Hoppers Term Meeting

14 March: Pet Demo

15 March: Haircut Day

20 March: School Holiday

21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)

25 March: EcoKids Sports Day


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our Happy Hoppers Family!

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