Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog

My House

Mar 11, 2022


My House









Hh – House

It has been a jam-packed week with lots of fun activities and much excitement working on our 3D artwork!

 We had a discussion about houses and how each of our houses are different and what kinds of rooms are found in our houses. We also spoke about gardens and what kind of rooms could be found in the garden, such as a tool shed or a garage.

We started off our week with colouring in some squares, which were later used as windows and doors for our houses. We guided the children in cutting out their square doors and windows. We practiced our cutting skills by asking the children to cut out their square by following the line as close as they could. We will be practicing this skill a lot more in class but please can we ask you to encourage and practice this difficult skill at home. Cutting up some magazine pictures with your Hopper is a great way for them to practice a good scissor grip!

 The Hoppers then glued their doors and windows onto their houses which encouraged spatial perception and critical thinking!

We incorporated our Ring Time discussion into our art and created a 3D art piece where the children chose which cardboard box they wanted to use to create their own unique house. Once they were happy with their choice, they painted it in their chosen colour! Some kiddies only wanted to use one colour and others wanted to create a rainbow house. We used ACM offcuts as a roof. We glued the house to a cardboard base which had been decorated to create a garden! The kiddies had a wide variety of materials to choose from. These materials included: fake moss, torn pieces of green paper, leaves, straw, mini logs, bark, sticks and wool!

Our theme next week is: My Pets

 If you would like to bring your pet to school next week, please send us a private message so that we can arrange a day and a time slot!

 Have a safe and lovely weekend!




Great Job Hoppers!

This week’s art piece is the perfect example of how an activity encourages the children to plan and practice spatial perception, think critically and solve problems.

Our kiddos worked hard on progressively putting together an amazing artwork throughout the week!

 Dates to Diarise:


Haircut Day: 16 March

Bonfire Picnic: 18 March

Human Rights Day: 21 March (Public Holiday)





Lots of love

Teacher Alexia, Teacher Kate-Lynn and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Under Our Happy Hoppers Roof !


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