Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog


Jul 8, 2022











Ll – Lizard

We have had an action-packed week! We’re sure the Hoppers must be exhausted from all the fun that was had.

 We started off the week revising our letter of the week. We sang and danced to our jolly phonics letters and read our letter land book, Lucy Lamp Light. After our story, we went around the class and each Hopper got to tell us a word starting with the letter “L’’. We got some interesting words like Liquorice, Leg, Lego, Lips, and Listen. Well done, Hoppers!

 We did a very cool progressive art piece where created amazing, beaded snakes. This was a fun fine motor skills activity where the children got to thread beads and pieces of straws onto twisted pieces of wire. We then added a head and we had beautiful, beaded snakes.

 The highlight of the week was the reptile show. Julian from Wild Ones showed us all of his amazing and wonderful animals. The huge tarantula “Spinderella” was a hit as well as the snakes and the cute little Chinchilla.

 Concert practice has been in full swing this week; our Hoppers are doing so well. We are so proud of them and cannot wait for the big day! I’m sure most of you already know all our songs, we are so happy to hear our Hoppers are practicing at home. Keep it up!  

Have a safe and lovely weekend!





… was definitely when we got a visit from the ‘Snake Man!’ 

We had some very brave kiddies … and some hesitant little ones too!



 Dates to Diarise:

Haircut Day: 13 July

Concert: 16 July

Nelson Mandela Day: 18 July (details to be advised)

Pyjama Dress Up & Break Up Day: 5 August (Holiday Club details to follow)


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

What a sssssssuper week!

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