Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog


Mar 1, 2024











Ss – Safety

Welcome back after our mid-term break. 

This week we learnt all about safety. We concentrated mostly on road Safety. 

Outside play is always a lot of fun, where the children get to explore and work on gross motor skills. We incorporated inside and outside play with road safety. We took the Hoppers outside to practice looking left and right before crossing our zebra crossing.  

The Hoppers learnt about how to put out a fire on their clothing in the unlikely event of an accident. STOP DROP and ROLL!!! 

We practiced our fire drill and the whole school responded so well.  

Happy Hoppers art this week they had to exercise their listening and visual skills by following instructions; we did a fun art marble rolling exercise, which symbolized a fire, and they created a fun fire engine that was made from shapes. We have decided to keep this for our art show.  

We did a dot-to-dot worksheet on how to draw a hexagon.  

We did a lot puzzle-building this week, moms and dads please encourage your little ones to build more puzzles at home. Puzzles are great for cognitive skills, problem-solving skills, fine motor skills, and hand-eye co-ordination. 

Yoga Friday  

Starting our session with stretches and our sun salutation sequence, we moved onto our yoga cards. Each card had a coloured shape on one side and a yoga pose on the other. After identifying the shape and colour on the card, we then had to demonstrate the pose. This is a lovely exercise to practice our colours and shapes aswell as visual interpretation of the pictures. Well, done our little Hoppers, you all did a fantastic job!! 

For cooking this week, our Hoppers made a traffic light waffer biscuit and the children used icing sugar to paste on yellow, green, and red smarties on them to look like a traffic light. The Hoppers loved this cooking activity, and they definitely know the meaning of a traffic light and what the colours represent. Great job!! 

This was a short week but so much fun and very eventful. 

Our theme next week is: My Family  

Have a wonderful weekend! 



Stop, drop and roll into the weekend!


 Dates to Diarise:

9 March: Sports Day

14 March: Pet Demo

15 March: Haircut Day

21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)

22 March: School Holiday

29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend

11 April: Break Up Day

12 April: Holiday Club Starts



Lots of love

Teacher Cecelia, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Safe and Secure!

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