Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog


Feb 24, 2022











Ss – Safety

Dear Hopper Parents

We’ve had a fun filled week with this theme and did a lot of role play … STOP … DROP and ROLL! We utilised the playground to do a fire safety activity where the children would STOP, DROP and ROLL to put out the ‘fire’ on their clothing.

 Outside play is always a lot of fun, where the children get to explore and work on gross motor skills. We incorporated inside and outside play with road safety. We did many role play activities following the rules of the road, zebra crossing, stop when you see a stop sign or red light, yield with a yellow light and green light to go! Teacher Portia was our robot and each child had a turn following the lights of the robot, while the pedestrians used the zebra crossing to look left and right before crossing the road.

 For our first artwork, our Happy Hoppers had to exericse their listening and visual skills by following instructions; we did a progressive art marble rolling exercise, which symbolised fire and an “invite to create” a Fire Engine!

 We did a lot of puzzle building this week … moms and dads please encourage your little ones to build more puzzles at home. Puzzles are great for cognitive skills, problem solving skills, fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination.

 It has been a great week.

Have an amazing midterm break, we will see you on Tuesday 1st March.




You might be baking this weekend folks!

Our second artwork was creating a funky oven mitten!

Before starting we had a discussion about cooking or baking safety precautions and why oven mittens are a necessity!

We hope your Hopper’s mitten is put to good use while baking delicious goodies!.


Dates to Diarise:


Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb

(no school, no Holiday Club)

Rare Disease Day: 1 March

Pet Demo: 15 March

Haircut Day: 16 March





Lots of love

Teacher Alexia, Teacher Kate-Lynn and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Safe, Smiling, Smart !


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