10 Recap
Nn- Night
What a fun exciting two weeks we have had! Last week was all about concert and we are so proud of all our Hoppers, they are all Superstars.
We had a lot of fun with this theme and really tapped into our imagination chatting about space. The Hoppers learnt so much about Space. We did some fun activities like catching a star with tweezers hidden in a bucket of beads. This is such a wonderful fine motor activity. We also tried to copy and create our own planets with loose parts, this was great fun.
Our Hoppers love dancing to songs and loved learning the words to the planet song. After we listened to the planet song the children were all hyped up and excited to start their planet artworks project.
We did an amazing balloon painting to create planets. These came out so amazing, we decided to keep them for the art expo.
We focused on our letter of the week. We read all about Noisy Nick and all the noise he likes to make. The rest of the week we finished off our art and watched some space videos and some astronauts in space, and even a space rocket launch. This was so exciting to watch, and our Hoppers loved it.
For FunFit sports this week, the Hoppers did an obstacle course with Coach Trevor using the jungle gym, they loved this and did so well when they got to the monkey bars. Well done Hoppers.
Yay for Yoga! Wheels on the bus yoga. Ankle rotations/rolls help improve blood circulation in the ankle and legs. It is also excellent for improving ankle mobility and flexibility. Our various poses included Open leg forward bend. Triangle Pose, Child Pose, Spinal twists and one leg balance poses.
Thank you for all the donations for our Concert, we really appreciate it.
Our theme next week is: Dinosaurs
Have a safe and lovely weekend!
Dates to Diarise:
27 July: EcoKids Concert
8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day
9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)
12 August: Holiday Club Starts
Lots of love
Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants