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The Farm: Farm Animals

May 26, 2023


The Farm: Farm Animals




Circle & Sphere





Ff – Farm

We have had a jam-packed week completing assessments. Please note that there will not be many art pieces going home as the assessments have taken up a lot of our time this week.

We started this week off with a continuation of the farm. We spoke about farm animals and the type of animals we find on a farm and all their different sounds.  

For art this week we made the most adorable chickens, the children got a picture with the different parts of a chicken, the body, wings, feet, and beak. They first coloured all the body parts, they then finger painted the body and lastly, we glued all pieces together and added some feathers to the wings. We ended up with the cutest chickens you have ever seen. 

Our Hoppers created such amazing work that we will be keeping them for Art Expo!

For cooking on Wednesday, we made “piggies in the mud” We made our pigs out of marshmallows and our mud was yummy chocolate instant pudding. Delicious!!! J

Yoga day: We did a yoga story song called “Going on a dragon hunt”. It works as a listening, sequencing, and memory game. We listened to the instructions and then demonstrated all the various poses, actions, and breathwork in the story. At the end, the Hoppers were asked questions to see what they remembered. Our poses included: tree, boat, bridge, cow, frog, mouse, and lion 🦁

On Friday, our Hoppers had some fun learning where we get milk from, we made a cow from cardboard boxes and filled a rubber glove with milk and made little holes in the glove, we tried our hand at milking a cow…it’s not as easy as it looks J

Concert practice is going well, so proud of our hoppers for learning the words to our songs. Please remember to send in concert clothes. We would like to have these in by the mid-term break.

 It has been an amazing week! 

Please remember to dose up your little ones with extra vitamins, it is getting a lot colder and there are lots of germs going around.

Our theme next week is: Land, Air and Water transport

Have a safe and lovely weekend!

How did the farmer find his wife? He TRACTOR down!


 Dates to Diarise:  

Hearing Tests TBC

7 June: Haircut Day

15 June: Bike-a-Thon Day

16 June: Youth Day (Public Holiday)

23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day and Break Up Day

26, 27, 28, 29, 30 June: Mid Term Break

3 July: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our Hoppers!

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