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Travel and Holidays

Nov 24, 2023


Travel & Holidays




Square / Recap





Hh – Hot

This theme got us thinking of warm seas, ocean breeze and holiday vibes, by the end of the week we were all itching to go on holiday!  

During ring time we spoke about our favourite travel destinations. We also spoke about the 7 continents and named them. This is a tricky thing to understand but by the end of the week, the children started to get the idea. 

We spoke about all the necessary things that we need to take on holiday.  We also explained the use of a passport. We created our own passports and did a role-play travel excursion. We told all the children that we were traveling from South Africa to Mauritius to visit the beautiful white beaches.  We then flew to Europe to visit Italy and Paris… so beautiful! After Paris, we then went to New Zealand to see the hot air balloon show in Waikato…so amazing! From there we landed in Australia to visit the Kangaroos and Koala Bears, then back to South Africa. We would need our passports to go out of South Africa and get into another country and we would have to wait in line to go through border control. Once we were through border control. In order to get to these places, we of course had to fly, so we all strapped in and “flew” around the school until we reached our destinations. The children loved this role-play activity and were able to understand why a passport is important.  

We also worked on our fine motor skills and pencil grip by writing our own names in the passports and our cutting and pasting skills to make our suitcases, for the suitcases the children painted a folder, and we looked through magazines for pictures of things we would pack for holiday and pasted them onto our painted suitcases.  

Our Hoppers have been working on their drawing skills this week, they drew holiday pictures on the back of their passports, we are so impressed with these hoppers drawing skills. Keep up the good work! 

For FunFit sport these week, the hoppers worked on matching colours. There were green, red and blue tubs and the hoppers at to match the balls to the tubs and throw the ball into the tub, well done Hoppers you all did an amazing job! 

Yoga this week, The Hoppers worked on their core strength and pelvic floor activation with the help of a basketball. The concentration on their faces was just too cute! 

Friday was our picnic from around the world, thank you for all the treats, our Hoppers enjoyed every minute of our picnic.  

Reminder: Please don’t forget to send Christmas boxes and USB’s for reports. 

 It has been a great week.  

Our theme next week will be: Christmas  

Have a safe and lovely weekend. 


What is your DREAM destination?


 Dates to Diarise: 

4: Magic Show

5 Dec: Christmas Party

6 Dec: School Break Up Day

7 Dec: Holiday Club Starts

15 Dec: Holiday Club Ends


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our Little Jet Setters!

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