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Wild Animals & Birds of Prey; Mommies & Babies

May 15, 2023


Wild Animals & Birds of Prey; Mommies & Babies




Square & Cube


1 & 2 



Zz – Zebra

Welcome back to Term 2!

We were thrilled to see how excited our Hoppers were to be back at school. It has been a very busy two weeks with all the excitement of seeing friends and teachers again and learning about wild animals.

Wow, what a jam-packed short first week we had back at school.  

During ring time we spoke about wild animals and what makes them “wild”; we also spoke about our Big 5 and birds of prey, hunters, and carnivores.

We played an audio game, where we played the sounds that various wild animals make, and the Hoppers had to guess the name of the animal that the sound belongs to. Some animals like the lion, were quite easy to identify but other sounds like a Buffalo and Nyala were a bit trickier! This was such a fun guessing game and our children enjoyed it thoroughly!

We also focused on our letter of the week “z” and the colour of the week “black”. We had fun turning the letter “z” into a Zebra. The Hoppers had to first trace over the letter “z” and then they finger-painted stripes onto the letter “z”, what a fun way to get our fine motor skills going while learning that “z” is for zebra.

We tapped into our imagination and went on a “Safari Drive”. The Happy Hoppers made binoculars out of toilet rolls and painted them a colour of their choice. On Friday last week, the teachers hid toy animals around the school playground, and we took our binoculars to see which wild animals we could see. So, if the children come home saying they saw a lion, you know why! J

Our theme this week was still wild animals and Mothers and babies in celebration of Mother’s Day on Sunday. We started the week off with great fine motor activity and did some fun tracing activities with whiteboard markers and laminated sheets of paper with shapes, numbers, and patterns. Tracing helps little ones refine their pre-writing skills and builds the foundation for drawing and writing letters and words.

For our art we started with our Mother’s Day cards, these came out so cute! We started off by painting the palm of the Hopper’s hands and made yellow handprints, these are our suns on the card. They then sponge-painted white clouds onto the paper, after the clouds were dry, we glued our suns, and the hoppers finger-painted the letter “m” on either side of the sun creating the word mom. J

For cooking we made ‘Mom you are “Tea”-riffic’ biscuits, we made simple cookie dough, and the children helped add ingredients and mix them all together. We then rolled the dough and cut out teabag-shaped cookies, once baked we dipped them into delicious chocolate. Hope all the moms enjoy! J

We also made a sugar body scrub. For this activity, we melted coconut oil, added some Lavender essence, and lastly added the sugar once the oil had cooled a bit. We hope our Hopper mommies feel spoilt, as you most certainly deserve it (P.S. Let the tub soak in warm water to soften).

Our theme next week will be: Farm, Fruit and vegetables.

Have a safe and lovely weekend.

We know it can get tough out there moms ... Thank you for all that you do!


 Dates to Diarise:  

19 May: Haircut Day

2 June: Hearing Tests

7 June: Haircut Day

15 June: Bike-a-Thon Day

16 June: Youth Day (Public Holiday)

23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day and Break Up Day

26, 27, 28, 29, 30 June: Mid Term Break

3 July: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

We Missed These Faces!

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