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Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice

Jun 28, 2024


Winter, Temperatures, Fire & Ice




Rectangle & Rectangular Prism





Ww – Winter

The Happy Hoppers have been working extremely hard this week.  

We spoke about Winter temperatures and how cold it can get and different clothing we can wear in winter like boots scarfs, gloves, and jackets. We discussed warm foods to eat like soups, stews, and curries. We also spoke about activities we enjoy doing in winter. Some of the Hoppers told us what they like to do in Winter like watching movies. 

We did a fine motor activity where the children had to take round stickers and paste it over the circles on the pictures of gloves, scarfs, or a winter jersey. For our main art activity the Hoppers did some straw painting where they had to use a straw to blow paint to make a fire and underneath it they used their index fingers to paint the logs of the fire. 

 At FunFit sports Coach Trevor played some cricket with the Hoppers and taught them some batting skills which is super good to improve their eye-hand co-ordination, laterality, and their general ball skills. 

Yoga this week was also a blast they warmed up with a body boogie song and went on to Foot Rolling. Our prop for the day was a drumstick, they had to sit in boat pose and by using their feet and core muscles they rolled the stick forwards and backwards. 

We have really been working hard and are looking forward wo our Mid-term break. 

Have a wonderful weekend and break. 


Have a wonderful Mid-Term break!


 Dates to Diarise

8 July: Back To School

11 July: Haircut Day

12 July: Reptile Day

18 July: Nelson Mandela Day

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts




Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

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