Dinosaurs – Under the Soil

Dinosaurs – Under the Soil











Dd – Day

What an exciting two weeks we have had, with a super awesome theme to get everyone even more excited!! Because who doesn’t love Dinosaurs!?! These Busy Bugs have non-stop stomped and roared their way through the classrooms and we have loved every second of it!   

It is so incredible to hear how much these little people know about dinosaurs and it’s even more incredible to hear them perfectly pronounce some of the incredibly challenging dinosaur names! We have spoken about Herbivores and Carnivores, as well as all of the “basic” dinosaurs like T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Velociraptors, Pterodactyl and Brontosaurus. We have also delved a little deeper into the lesser known dinosaurs such as the Mosasaurus (who looks like a very big whale with huge teeth!), the Ankylosaurs (this dino had a spiky, almost turtle like shell on his back and spikes on his tail) and even the Pachycephalosaurus (packy-sefa-lo-saurus)- just in case you were wondering how to say that giant word 😉 who had a giant “egg” shaped bubble on his head that was thought to be used to ram into things such as trees and bigger dinosaurs. We have loved watching the Bugs reactions to these incredible, extinct creatures and how they absorb everything that is said to them. We also learned all about fossils, how they are formed and who the people who dig them up and study them are, another very big word, Palaeontologist.   

We did a Dino dig expedition by taking a trip to the sandpit and everyone had a chance to dig and uncover buried dinosaur bones. How exciting!?   

The Bugs took our Dinosaur toys outside to “explore” our playground. The Dinosaur (and the Bugs) had so much sliding, munching on the trees, visit the Happy Hoppers classroom and jumping off of the tyres.   

For our art activities over these 2 weeks, the Bugs used our Dinosaur toys, dipped their feet in paint and let them “walk” all over their page.   

We used lego block to stamp “scales” onto dino outlines. 

We also made another exciting Dino art piece, but we are keeping those safe for art expo!  

We danced around to Dinosaur Stomp, Baby T-Rex and Walk The Dinosaur, as well as watched a few clips from the Jurassic Park/World movies (don’t worry, all the clips were age appropriate).  

We can’t believe Term 2 is over! We have loved every minute with these Bugs and can’t wait for the holidays to be over so we can get back to having fun!   

Have a wonderful holiday folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts

2 Sept: Holiday Club Ends

3 Sept: Staff Return To School

4 Sept: First Day of Term 3!

6 Sept: Haircut Day

9 Sept: School Photographs

10 Sept: School Photographs

11 Sept: School Photographs

20 Sept: Hat Parade Day

23 Sept: School Holiday

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)


Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Bugs!










10 Recap



Nn- Night

We are so excited for our concert tomorrow! We can’t wait for you to see all of the hard work that the Bugs have put in! 

Twinkle-twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are… This was one of many Space themed songs that were sung over the past 2 weeks and boy did we have fun singing them!   

Our Busy Bugs absolutely loved learning about space and all of  the aspects involved. We spoke about the planets, meteors, stars, the milky way, astronauts and rockets. We watched lots of videos teaching us about all of these things and looked at loads of awesome pictures taken by satellites. We learned that we live on planet Earth, and this is the only planet that is known to have enough surface water to be inhabited by humans. We learned that Saturn has a giant ring of floating ice and rock chunks, and that Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.   

We spoke about astronauts and their space gear. They must wear special suits and helmets while up in space because humans cannot breathe that far up. We spoke about gravity and how it makes objects, including people, stay on the ground. If there was no gravity, we would float away- the Bugs thought this was very funny! We also spoke about the special food that astronauts eat.  

For art, we made 2 beautiful Space pieces, but we loved them so much, we have decided to keep the for Art Expo!  

We also made a collaborative art piece, where each Bugs got to make a different part of the solar system.  

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend, and we will see you next week for another exciting theme!  

This week’s question: 

In your view, is Pluto still a planet? 

Next week’s theme: Dinosaurs and Under the Soil 




 Dates to Diarise:

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts


Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Precious Stars!













Ll – Lizard

This is such an exciting week – the children love it so much! They know a whole lot about sssssslithery snakes and tortoises, lizards and crocodiles, chameleons and turtles and we have loved having the opportunity to expand their knowledge this week! We have managed to have very long and involved ring time discussions, picking a different animal each day, and discussing it in depth! Reptiles are Teacher Gemma’s favorite thing so she knows more than the average Joe about them! The children learned a lot of new vocabulary like “cold blooded”, “vertebrates” and “camouflage” and had an absolute blast exploring our theme.  

For art this week we made an awesome art piece, but unfortunately, you won’t be able to see it yet as they were just so cute, we decided to keep them for Art Expo!   

Wednesday was by far our most exciting day of the week, as Julian, the snake-man, brought his lovely animas for us to see. There were snakes, lizards, geckos, spiders, gogo’s, frogs and even a chinchilla. Some of the Bugs were “all hands on deck”, and petted every single animal. Others were a little bit weary and chose to rather view from afar.  

We have also been hard at work preparing and practicing for our concert. Our Bugs have made us so proud! We hope you enjoy the show as much as we have enjoyed getting ready for it!  

Thank you for a lovely and exciting week! We are looking forward to another jam packed one next week ….    

Our question of the week.  

Are you a snake person?? A) Absolutely! B) Hell NOPE! We look forward to your answers…  

Next Week’s Theme: Space (and lots of concert prep!) 

See you on Monday!


 Dates to Diarise

18 July: Nelson Mandela Day

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Bugs!

Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice

Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice


Winter, Temperatures, Fire & Ice




Rectangle & Rectangular Prism





Ww – Winter

Winter is well and truly upon us, which gives us so many opportunities to explore this awesome theme. This week we explored Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice! A theme of extremes. 

We played with a lot of ice and examined what happened when we put the ice into water, placed it in the sunshine, put salt on it… It was so interesting! Obviously our Bugs were not going to pass up an opportunity to put the ice in their mouths, either! Haha! 

We had lots of conversations about fire and fire safety, what it is used for and how it’s actually quite dangerous, even though it is so beautiful, and we must always stay far away from fires and anything that can make a fire – like a heater, or matches and lighters!  

In winter, our children told us that the weather gets very cold, and that we have to wear long tops and pants, and put on jackets and beanies to keep warm! We use gloves and extra blankets and scarves so that we can keep the cold away! It is fun to drink hot chocolate with marshmallows and eat yummy warm soups! We are all very lucky to have enough warm clothing and a nice warm bed to sleep in at night!  

We spoke about how, in Benoni, it really hardly ever snows, although it does happen sometimes. We do get frost on the ground – which according to our Bugs, is because of Jack Frost, hehe! – in the mornings and sometimes, there is fog and mist that we can’t see though! Frost is fun to walk on and goes “crunch crunch crunch!” under our feet! 

Friday book character dress-up day was so much fun! These kiddies all looked amazing dressed as their favorite book characters! 

Reports have gone out, and we hope you enjoying reading about your kiddos adventures at school. If you have any questions regarding reports, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Have a wonderful, relaxing, mid-term break, and we can’t wait to see all of our Bugs back at school for the second half of the term! 

Please remember to send beanies AND sun hats back to school, and label jackets please, as jackets always almost come off after playtime. Have a happy and safe weekend everyone!  

The Next Theme Is: Reptiles 

Up next for Show and Tell: Deandre and Lalyn 


Have a wonderful Mid-Term break!


 Dates to Diarise

8 July: Back To School

11 July: Haircut Day

12 July: Reptile Day

18 July: Nelson Mandela Day

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Bugs!

Caring For Our World: Recycling

Caring For Our World: Recycling






Triangle & Pyramid





Rr – Recycling

“Stamp, Stamp Clap! (X4)  

We love animals, plants and birds! We love snails and slugs!  

Large and small, we love them all! And we never ever step on bugs!  

Because… we’re the children of Ecokids  

We love nature, the sun and the trees! The rain that helps plants grow!  

Paper, Plastic, Glass and tin our recycling rules we know!  

Because… we’re the children of Ecokids”   

What you have just read is our school song. It is such a fun song to sing and really shows everything that we as a school stand for.   

What an informative and exciting week we have had! We learned all about recycling and the different materials we use to recycle. We got to feel glass bottles, plastic, paper and tin and see different variations of products made from these materials. Bags, bottles, lids and plugs made from plastic. Toilet paper, toilet rolls and the books we read made from paper. Bottles, windows, bowls made of glass and formula tins, food tins, coldrink cans and the container where all this cool stuff is kept made from tin/metal.   

We played a super fun recycling game, where the Bugs got to choose a piece of “rubbish” from a pile, and sort it into the correct recycling bins of our gorgeous recycling station. 

Art this week was slightly challenging as most of our art we send home is recycled art. So we thought, what could be better for recycled art then… recyclable material sculptures!!! We used all bits and bobs that have been sent in by students and parents over the years to create these amazing sculptures. The Bugs got to select from a large quantity of recyclable materials that we had poked holes in, and thread them onto a stick stuck on a Purity bottle lid base. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to see these beautiful creations just yet… You’re going to have to wait for Art Expo!  

We also decorated our beautiful envelopes that our reports will be going home in next week!  

Our favorite songs for the week was “Reduce, reuse, recycle”  

“Reduce, reuse, recycle, recycle, recycle.  

Reduce, reuse, recycle, it’s easy to do.  

‘Cos your trash and my trash make up way too much trash.  

Reduce, reuse, recycle, it’s easy to do!”  

Please keep in mind the beautiful words of Dr. Seuss.  

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to change, it’s not.”  

We hope you have a lovely weekend and stay warm!   

Next week’s theme: 

Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice 

Next week’s show and tell: Connor and Mudiwa 


Recycling turns things into other things ... which is like MAGIC!


 Dates to Diarise:

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School


Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Bugs!

Father’s Day and Sport

Father’s Day and Sport


Father’s Day & Sport









Dd – Daddy

To all of the awesome Dads out there, and to the Moms who are doing both, Happy Father’s Day! 

We love all of our EcoDads so much, and this is why we love this theme. There are so many aspects to being a Dad, and our Bugs are so lucky to have all of you special Dads in their lives. 

We spent lots of time this week asking our Bugs questions about their Dads; What their names are, if they know how old their Dads are, what work Dad does, whether he plays any sports… And we while didn’t always get answers to all of these questions, one thing we can say for certain, is that very clear that our Bugs just LOVE their Dads! 

For Father’s Day art this week we made the cutest “to the braai master” cards, by using black paper for the braai, and hand prints for the fire. 

Our Bugs also made you a delicious braai spice as a gift, by mixing lots of different, yummy spices together, to create the yummiest braai spice you will ever taste! 

Bike-a-thon was a huge hit on Friday. These kiddos had so much fun zooming around the drive way on their bikes. They were so chuffed with their certificates that they received! 

We hope you all have a wonderful long weekend, stay warm and we will see you next week, healthy and ready for fun! 


Have a wonderful day on Sunday our Eco Dads!


 Dates to Diarise:

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Smart Squad Assistants 

Our Bugs!

Land, Air and Sea Transport

Land, Air and Sea Transport


Land, Air & Sea Transport









Jj – Jet

Zoom! Vroom! Splash!  

There are so many ways to get from point A to point B and this week we covered all of them!  From airplanes to cars, bikes to boats, scooters to submarines… the list goes on and on!  We got to look at photos and videos of all of these different modes of transport and these Bugs learnt so much!   

We also discussed what the definition of transport is: moving items or people from one place to another using either the land, the air or the sea.  

Our Bugs learnt that they get transported to and from school by their mommies or daddies, and then mommy and daddy transport themselves to work.  

We love testing the Bugs memory skills by asking them questions about what was discussed the day before during ring time, and we are very happy to report that most of our Bugs are able to tell us what was said the day before.  Well done kiddos!  We also like to test our Bugs to see if they can notice who is not at school that day. 90% of the time, they can name every Bug who is not at school.  

For art this week we made the most adorable “Modes of Transport” chart. We painted a piece of paper green for grass and blue for sky. We added a strip of black paper for the road (no potholes in these roads!) and a strip of blue for the water. We then gave the Bugs some items from the art studio to create the different modes of transport. We used a plastic straw and wrapping paper for the plane, a button and bread tag for the hot air balloon. We used little lids as a row boat and scrap fabric and paper as a sailing boat. Lastly, we used a tin tab as a car and bread tabs as a truck. The Bugs obviously required a little bit of help sticking of the bits and bobs on (glue gun glue gets very hot!), but they helped where they could and were so impressed with the final outcome!  

Assessments are underway and report time is nearing. These past few weeks have been so much fun for us teachers, working one-on-one so intimately with the Bugs has been such a treat! We are so proud of each of our Busy Bugs and we hope that you enjoy reading their reports as much as we enjoyed writing them.  

Have a lovely weekend, stay warm and we will see you all next week!  

Next week’s theme: Caring for our world: Father’s Day and Sport 

Next week’s show and tell: Charli and Onathi 





We wanna know folks ... what is your DREAM car?


 Dates to Diarise:

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Bugs!

The Farm: Farm Animals

The Farm: Farm Animals


The Farm: Farm Animals









Ff – Farm

This is always such a favourite with teachers and children alike! Who doesn’t love a good, loud version of Old Macdonald?! There is so much to discuss and learn and so much to see and do. 

This week we learned all about the farm and the farm’s animals. We learned all about the different noises these animals make, and the different names that the boy and girl animals have, such as hen and rooster or sheep and ram. We learned the names of the baby animals, like chick, lamb and piglet! It was such fun pretending to be these animals at ring time! Our children have very vivid imaginations and have a lot of existing knowledge about farm animals. 

We played tons of farm animal inspired games this week. We went on a nature walk to visit the horses and feed them some yummy carrots and pet Frankie, and watch the ducks and swans swim on the pan. We made such a gorgeous piece of art this week but because it is just too cute, we are going to keep it for the art expo. 

Show and tells this week went so well! Thank you Ayana for bringing your adorable chicken and egg for us to see. We can’t wait for the rest of your turns! 

Just a reminder to please label things – everything – even if just with initials. We have had a few cases of jackets and beanies going missing but there are lots of repeat items in the school and sometimes children go home with the same / similar item that they may have at home. It takes a while to work its way through the wash and then even longer for the double to be spotted. If things are labelled it just makes life that much easier! There are many layers that come off during the day and at playtime the children tend to remove their own shoes / socks and jackets as they feel warmer so we cannot always keep track of every item. Once it is returned to our classroom with no name, we often have no idea who it belongs to.  

Speaking of shoes and socks, please encourage the children to keep their shoes on in the cold. There will always be the odd shoe or sock that gets taken off but if we could try keep feet warm during the cold winter moths that would be great! 


Please also get your concert clothes in ASAP. We got lots of work and fun things to do to them, so the sooner they are in, the better! 

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the colder nights where you can snuggle! Please keep safe and germ free! 

Next week’s show and tell will be:Caedan and Raiden 

The theme next week is: Land, Air and Sea Transport 



Have a HAPPY weekend folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

7 June: Haircut Day

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Bugs!

The Farm: Fruit and Vegetables

The Farm: Fruit and Vegetables


The Farm: Fruit & Vegetables









Vv – Vegetables

This week has brought chilly mornings, but that has not stopped our Bugs from enjoying their days to the MAX! We had a jam packed week learning all about The Farm: Fruit and Vegetables!  

This is a theme close to our hearts at EcoKids as it is everything we stand for and believe in. Healthy kids and healthy food. 

Our Bugs had so much fun discussing the different fruits and veggies and we were very surprised at how many different fruits and veggies our Bugs actually know including the less common ones like Kiwi, Cherries, Cauliflower and Spring Onion. When we asked our Bugs if they enjoyed fruits, we had a very collective YES!!! When we asked if our Bugs enjoyed vegetables… well, not so much! Haha! 

We also got to discuss what the differences were between fruits and vegetables. Fruits usually grow on trees or vines, and veggies usually grow on or in the ground. As well as that fruits are better to eat raw and veggies are better to eat cooked, although technically you can eat them any way you choose. 

For Art this week, the Bugs did a free drawing, still-life of Fruits. Teacher Gemma held up the different fruits and the Bugs had to draw their interpretation of it.  

We also made the cutest group art piece, by stamping our handprints and adding leaves to make a fruit page and vegetable page.  

Have a lovely weekend, keep warm and we will see you all next week. 

Next Week’s Theme: On the Farm: Farm Animals 

Next Week’s Show and Tell: Ayana and Sarah 

Peace Out Folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

29 May: Voting Day

31 May: Tractor Ride Day & Slipper Day

7 June: Haircut Day

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Spreading Hap-pea-ness!

Mother’s and Babies; Mother’s Day

Mother’s and Babies; Mother’s Day


Mother’s & Babies, Mother’s Day









Mm – Mommy

This week, was all about MOM! We learned all about mothers and their babies and it was so sweet to see how much our little Bugs know about this topic! They all had lots to say about their own mommies, telling us what they love about you and everything you do for them.  

We asked them to tell us all about what a mommy does for her baby. The Bugs know that mommies grow babies “in their tummies” (bless them) and that a mommy gives her baby milk, and keeps them warm and changes smelly nappies! Mommies sing to their babies and bath them, and make them feel better when they are sick! They also make food for their babies and give lots of hugs and kisses! What lucky children! 

We also learned that animal babies have special names! A baby cow is called a calf; a baby horse is called a foal. Pigs have piglets and cats have kittens! Dogs have puppies and sheep have lambs. Goats have kids (this was a little confusing – hehe!) Lions and bears have cubs, while wolves and seals have pups. And ALL these mommies look after their babies so nicely and make sure that they have everything they need! 

This is why it’s important to make mommies feel special on their one very special day each year called “Mother’s day!” 

For a gift this year, our Bugs made stunning jewelry holders from salt dough pinch-pots that they molded, and pieces of bark we found on a nature walk, as well as a beautiful threaded necklace (testing our fine motor skills) to go inside. We also made the cutest cards using the Bugs adorable little feet! 

We hope you love these special gifts that your Bugs made for you! 

Happy Mother’ Day, all you super moms! 

Winter is well and truly upon us, so please make sure you dress your children in layers that can be easily removed. Label everything! If you would like, you may also send a labelled beanie to use at playtime so we can keep those heads warm and the chilly wind out of their ears! May we suggest you start using extra vitamin C or an immune booster so that all our Bugs can hopefully stay germ free this winter!   

Next Week’s Theme: On the Farm: Fruit and Veg 

Next Week’s Show and Tell: Aiden and Ziah 



We hope you have a very special Sunday our very special Eco Moms!


 Dates to Diarise:

24 May: Eye Screening (Details to follow)

29 May: Voting Day

31 May: Tractor Ride Day

7 June: Haircut Day

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ash and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Our Bugs!

Wild Animals and Birds of Prey

Wild Animals and Birds of Prey


Wild Animals & Birds of Prey






1 & 2



Zz – Zebra

Who knows what a group of giraffe is called? Let us know on the class WhatsApp group! 

Another happy week of learning and discovery has left us feeling fulfilled, tired and ready for a weekend! This week has been full of roaring lions, snapping crocodiles and stomping elephants! Our children simply LOVE this theme and know so much about it! Well done, Busy Bugs! 

We spent every day having very intense and long ring times, discussing animals from all over Africa and other wild animals from around the world such as tigers and kangaroos! We learnt so many cool and fun facts about these animals and the children were hanging on to our every word! It is amazing to watch their little faces while they are engaged with a topic that really excites them! Too sweet to see! We listened to the sounds these animals make, thanks to the wonder of technology, and watched many little video clips of them! It has taken some effort this week to remind them that they are indeed little people and not really monkeys and lions! Haha! What a special time. 

For art this week, we made an absolutely stunning art piece, and because we just loved it so much, we have decided to keep it for Art Expo! 

We also did a messy play sensory activity using cooked spaghetti coloured with food colouring, feeling it, squishing, smelling it and even tasting it, before we laid it around a drawn lion face to make his mane! 

The weather is really getting cold now that we are truly into winter, but most days after playing in the warm sun at playtime, the children are warm. So please opt for layers when dressing your child in the morning as opposed to overly thick jackets that hinder movement and tend to get lost. We are also noticing a lot of snotty noses. Please keep the vitamin intake and nose spray going so we can keep the winter germs at bay, and please keep any sick Bugs at home until they have been given the all clear from a doctor. 

Have a wonderful weekend and keep safe, warm and happy until Monday! 

Next Week’s Theme: Land, Air and Sea Transport 

Next Week’s Show and Tell: Antonio and Torin 

 See you all next week. 


Have a wonderful weekend!


 Dates to Diarise:

24 May: Eye Screening 

29 May: Voting Day

31 May: Tractor Ride Day

7 June: Haircut Day

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Ashleigh and the Busy Bugs Assistants 

Stay Wild And Free Our Bugs!

Occupations And People Who Help Us

Occupations And People Who Help Us


Occupations & People Who Help Us









Xx – X-ray

“The real question about life should be “who do you want to be?” when you grow up, not what? Faith is the blueprint of our dreams, action is the builder.” 

It is such a treat to be able to hear and listen to children’s plans for the future… they always have the most open minds and innocent thoughts and ideas and when you listen close enough, they may just alter the way you think about and process life and its decisions. 

And this is exactly what we did this week.  We sat down to ask our Bugs who and what they wanted to be when they grow up, and the answers we got were priceless!  From Pilots to Princesses, Vets to Teachers, Firemen to Policemen, and Mommies and Daddies. We discussed EVERYTHING!!  From what the different occupations do during the day, to what they wear to work, the different protection needed for different jobs and how they help our everyday lives. 

Thursday dress-up day was so much fun! Thank you for dressing so beautifully Bugs!  You little people are such a huge inspiration to your teachers and we can’t wait to see how your future turns out and what you really grow up to be. 

For art this week, we let the Bugs choose between 4 different hats, that are associated with 4 different jobs; Doctor/nurse, Fireman, Policeman, and Chef. The Bugs got to colour in the hat of their choice and then us teachers stapled them to a piece of board to wear as a hat. 

We hope our Bugs have a wonderful holiday! To those that are joining us for Holiday Club, see you soon. For everyone who is traveling, please travel safely.  

Our secret question this week is: What did you want to be when you were a kid, and is it similar to what you do now? 

Have a safe and happy holiday!


 Dates to Diarise:

12 April: Holiday Club Starts

27 April: Public Holiday (Freedom Day)

1 May: Public Holiday (Workers Day)

3 May: Holiday Club Ends

6 May: Staff Set Up Day (Staff Only)

7 May: Term 2 Starts

9 May: Haircut Day

24 May: Eye Screening (Details to follow)

31 May: Tractor Ride day




Lots of love

Teacher Gemma and the Busy Bugs Assistants

Dream Big Bugs!