Dinosaurs – Under the Soil

Dinosaurs – Under the Soil











Dd – Day

What a busy week we have had learning about Dinosaurs! There are just so many activities to do and things to be learnt. 

Teacher Tegan has done a daily A-Z on Dinosaur names. Each day we have learnt 3 more letters of Dinosaur names going in alphabetic order. Learning these Dinosaurs’ long names is a fun and tricky task. Let’s see how many they can remember: 

Allosaurus, Baryonyx,Coelophysis, Diplodocus, Euoplocephalus, Fabrosaurus, Gravitholus, Hadrosaurus, Iguanodon, Janenschia, Kentrosaurus, Leptoceratops, Macroplata, Nodosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Quetzalcoatlus, Riojasaurus, Stenonychosaurus, Tricerarops, Ultrasaurus, Velociraptor, Wannanosaurus, Xenotarsosaurus, Yingshanosaurus and the Zephyrosaurus. 

We have also read a cute little novel called ‘Dino Club’ where each day we read a few chapters of the book for the Crew, Characters Jamie and Tess have an app on their tablet where they can chat to all the children around the world about Dinosaurs. Jamie finds Tess on this app and they get together to go on a Dino adventure! Venturing down into a cave where they discover a whole different world of Dinosaurs down there.  

The Crew just loved this little novel! 

Amongst the many different activities we have completed this week, we did a fossil like Pterodactyl made out of pasta. The Crew had to copy the example, planning where to glue next and how many pieces of pasta they would need. It came out really beautifully. 

A fun little activity we did that included an outing around the school, we created dinosaur skins through a cut out brontosaurus. We walked around and each Crew member had to look around to see what background would make a pretty skin for their brontosaurus. The Crew had lots of fun with this activity and the pictures came out so beautifully! 

We have also complete a few different worksheets this week, Line tracing, perceptual work sheet that consisted of colouring cutting out and pasting back together. Number tracing 1-10, matching pictures to the letters the pictures start with and an introduction worksheet to capital letters and their small letter. All Dinosaurs themed, of course!  

We completed an eye spy activity where the Crew really had to concentrate on the work that they were doing. All these activities are about following instructions which we sometimes take for granted. It is a skill that needs to be taught. The Crew were instructed to look at the pictures coloured in and try to find them in amongst the collage of pictures below AND then they had to count how many they had found the write that number in the block below the coloured in picture. This was a challenging activity but I love to challenge my Crew that’s how they expand their minds and when we do an activity like this again they will do even better! 

We have practiced our alphabet through the Letter Challenge this past term. However I do encourage you as parents to go over the letters in the holidays. The Crew need to be able to recognition each letter, know the SOUND the letter makes and start forming the letters correctly. (Going over the letters just with their finger is a great start) 

FunFit Sports was the BEST! The Crew were introduced to a new ball skilled game, T-Ball. And they had to run to the different bases as well. It was an absolute ball LOL, pun intended. Let’s go Curious Crew, Let’s go.  

At the closing of this term we say good-bye to Lilly, who joined us for a short period of time while her and her family visited South Africa from Saudi Arabia and we also say good-bye to Kudiwanashe (Kudi) who’s family will be immigrating shortly in the new term.  

We hope you all have an amazing August holiday! Rest well and we look forward to all the exciting events that await us in the new term such as: 

  • Puzzle Challenge 
  • Art expo 
  • Mommy/Daddy and me yoga 
  • Curious Crew market day  
  • Curious Crew outing 
  • Christmas, Christmas, Christmas 
  • And Reports 

Next theme in the new term: Spring Time and Flowers 

Have a wonderful holiday folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts

2 Sept: Holiday Club Ends

3 Sept: Staff Return To School

4 Sept: First Day of Term 3!

6 Sept: Haircut Day

9 Sept: School Photographs

10 Sept: School Photographs

11 Sept: School Photographs

20 Sept: Hat Parade Day

23 Sept: School Holiday

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!













Nn- Night

Space is always such an exciting and interesting theme which we can expand so much on. The Crew have a good understanding of space and it was great to go into the finer detail about space. This week our ring times have been extra-long because there is just so much information on space. 

The Sun is a star and the stars we see up in the night sky are far away ‘suns’ in the sky. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are rocky planets, they are solid, and Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are planets made of liquid and gas. 

The rings around Saturn are made up of rocks, dust and ice. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system because of the gas that surrounds the planet and traps hot air under the gas cloud. Our galaxy is called The Milky Way. 

Go through some of these facts with your children to see how many they can remember from ringtime discussions. We also watched a few YouTube Videos on astronauts up in space and how they wash their hair, brush their teeth, how they go to the toilet and the kind of exercises they have to do to keep fit. 

Over the past few weeks, we have been hard at work with concert practice. Each day the Crew have been up on stage making sure they know their moves and their words for this special occasion! We are SUPER proud of them and are really holding thumbs that when they are up their looking down on so many people that they are still just as confident and full of beans ready to show off to their friends and family. We have told the Crew to just have fun and give us big smiles when they are up there! 

Here is a breakdown of some of the activities we have completed in the last 2 weeks. The Crew had to complete a colour by numbers solar system. This activity is not only about colouring in but ‘reading’, number recognition and planning.  

We did a little hexagon and counting activity where the Crew were instructed, in a hive of hexagons, they had to draw 9 bees. Again, they had to pay attention to what they were doing and count as they went along. Believe it or not a lot of the Crew drew many more than 9 bees. LOL. 

We also completed a visual perceptual worksheet. The Crew had to first colour in a picture of our solar system. Then they had to cut the picture out, which was divided into 6 pieces. And stick it back together like a puzzle. One of the kiddies really struggled with this and became teary and upset that her puzzle wasn’t coming together as she wanted it to because she stuck the pieces down first before organising them to see which ones fit together. This was a great learning opportunity! I reassured her that it was ok to be upset but she can learn from this and next time know how to plan better.  

Learning opportunities like this are gems! Life lessons! It’s ok to make mistakes and that things don’t always work out like you planned but you can learn from these mistakes and now you will know a better way to approach this type of challenge in the future.  

We hope you enjoy the Concert! We are ready and super excited! 

Next week’s theme: Dinosaurs 





 Dates to Diarise:

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Precious Stars!













Ll – Lizard

Welcome back to the second half of the second term! We hope that you all have had a wonderful break and are ready to take on the rest of the term!  

Do you have green skin? Do you shed the skin you’re in? Can you change the colour, too? Turn from green to red to blue. 

Do you live among the trees? Blending in with sticks and leaves. 

Then you are a chameleon! 

This was a super busy week for the Crew! Especially when the Reptiles came to visit and we all got to touch and hold weird and wonderful creatures. This show is always interesting and has so much information about the animals. Thank you for another amazing show Julian! 

For art this week, we decided it would be a cool idea for the Crew to make their own Reptile booklets. We set out a displayed and instructed the children to draw first in black as the outline and then to colour in the pictures they had drawn. These came out so beautifully and we have decided to keep them for Art Expo. 

A few other activities we did this week was a colour by alphabet worksheet, and wow the Crew impressed with how well they know their letters. Super work Crew! We also completed a dot to dot worksheet as well as a little hexagon tortoise. This was a 3 part exercise with different stages. The Crew were shown a picture of different tortoise shells and they had to choice which pattern they wanted to colour theirs. Then they had to cut out the hexagon as well as the tortoises little legs, head and tail. Then stick all the pieces together to form a tortoise. 

During our ringtime sessions, we discussed all the facts about what makes a reptile a reptile. They are cold-blooded which means they need the sun to help keep them warm. Reptiles also lay eggs and have scaly skin that can also shed. Most reptiles can be kept as pets and they need lots of care to make sure they live long and healthy lives. 

Concert practice is going well and we are getting more and more excited to show off all the hard work we have put into one of the best themed concerts we have!  

In music this week Teacher Mo helped us out with concert songs and we went over beats and rhythms. The Crew are separated into 4 groups and on the count of 1 2 3 4 each group has a turn to clap and stamp to their assigned number beat.  

For cooking this week, when we had chips and fish finger the Crew got to fry their own chippies, this was also a lesson in safety in the kitchen when working with hot oil by the hot stove. Did you see how well they ate? Food always tastes better when they have prepared it themselves. Great work my Crew!  

Letter challenge will resume, please keep practicing though very important letters! 

Gerry will be going home withJ  

Next week’s theme: Dinosaurs (One of the best themes! YAY) 

See you on Monday!


 Dates to Diarise

18 July: Nelson Mandela Day

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!

Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice

Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice


Winter, Temperatures, Fire & Ice




Rectangle & Rectangular Prism


20 & Recap



Ww – Winter

Our week was filled with quite a few different and fun activities! We did a combination of cooking and art this week where we made colourful and glittery ice-cubes that we froze with ice-cream sticks. Once frozen, the Crew then used them as paint ‘brushes’ and painted a rainbow. They really enjoyed this activity and had to be told at time to stop otherwise they were going to paint straight throw the page. LOL 

We also did a beautiful ‘Still Life’ painting project. We loved them so much that we have decided to keep them for art Expo. The Crew had to paint the Snowman and fire that was displayed in the front as you came into the school. We placed the display in front of the Crew and instructed them to paint what they saw. Stunning work here Crew we got so see some real artists come out! 

Another amazing little art activity we did this week was a cloud with rainbow rain, stamped with bingo stamps. This was another stunning art piece that we will be keeping for Art Expo. 

This week we learnt about another 3D shape, rectangular-prism. The Crew coloured in and we put together the shape. It really helps the kiddies remember the shape when we have made it. 

Concert practice is coming along really well and we have some super enthusiastic Crew who have taken practice really seriously. We cannot wait for Concert and to show off all our hard work and awesome songs as normal! 

Reports will be going out today with your child’s portfolio of their worksheets from the beginning of the year. Enjoy going through all their hard work and seeing their progress throughout their journey in the Curious Crew class so far. We look forward to the months ahead to really make them count in getting your child Grade R ready.  

Have a wonderful midterm break and we will see everyone on the 8th of July. 

Our next theme: Reptiles 

Have a wonderful Mid-Term break!


 Dates to Diarise

8 July: Back To School

11 July: Haircut Day

12 July: Reptile Day

18 July: Nelson Mandela Day

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!

Caring For Our World: Recycling

Caring For Our World: Recycling






Triangle & Pyramid





Rr – Recycling

We just couldn’t be more proud of the Curious Crew! With every ring discussion everyone had something to add about saving the world and throwing away rubbish! They understand the importance of recycling and really enjoy making things to reuse. 

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! It’s easy to do! 

This week our theme was all about going green for our world! We spoke about the three R’s 

Reduce cutting back on the amount of rubbish we make. 

Reuse Finding a new way to use rubbish so we don’t have to throw it away. 

Recycle Making something new out of rubbish. 

Being a short week we were super busy with work! In this week we did a lovely colouring in activity and I must say they Crews fine motor skills are coming along so nicely. Their coming in has become neater, with a use of a whole rainbow of colours. 

As our Art activity for the week we made a little game using recycled material. The Crew painted their boards of cut out cereal boxes and we drew noughts and crosses on bottle caps to make the game tick tac toe. We hope you enough a few games at home with your upcycled little game. 

The Crew practiced some number formation in reusable books and we played a fun number hunt game. The Crews counting is coming along so well and we are going into the 30’s now with our rote counting!! This is just super. 

The Crew got started on some Art Expo Art. Wow and it’s looking amazing but top secret.  

Our Letter Challenge is well under way and it has been such a pleasure marking and commenting on your child’s lovely work. Keep up the great work Crew and Parents.  

Next week will be our last week at school before our week long mid-term break. And on the 28th of June your child’s first report for the year will be going out. So exciting!  

Next week’s theme: Winter, Temperatures, Fire and Ice

Recycling turns things into other things ... which is like MAGIC!


 Dates to Diarise:

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!

Father’s Day and Sport

Father’s Day and Sport


Father’s Day & Sport









Dd – Daddy

What an exciting week we have had in the Curious Crew class! Especially leading up to our anticipated Bike-o-thon! The kids counted down the days and kept asking us if it was Bike-o-thon yet. Today it was nonstop questions ‘When are we going to ride teacher’ ‘Are we going to go ride now teacher’ Bike-o-thon took place after snack during our break time. 

Activities for the week were as follows: During Music and Movement with Teacher Mo he helped write/play the notes for one of our concert songs that we were practicing and now we as well as learnt the next verse that goes with the song. It was lots of fun. 

At FunFit Sports this week, Coach Trevor set out a ball skill activity, which the Crew enjoyed so much that they asked to do it again next week and next week the whole class would like to do the activity together instead of the normal splitting into 2 groups. The Crew had 3 different coloured holes they had to throw balls into. If they threw the same coloured ball in the hole it was 10 point, and a different coloured ball into the hole, they got 2 points. Two Crew members were up against each other at a time. Which they really enjoyed! 

Cooking this week, the Crew decorated cupcakes for Dad because it’s Father’s Day on Sunday. They promised to share Dads LOL! 

At Yoga this week the Crew got to enjoy The Dancing Bear to warm up their bodies on this very cold winter morning. Their stretches were tree, boat and chair pose. Working on hand-eye coordination, they played a game called Topple, which had the kids practicing their pincer grip by placing little counters on top of each other. The Yogies did very well, our kids are all amazing little individuals. 

Our/Your Father’s Day cards are to die for! They are just the cutest! Thank you Teacher Tegan for your creative idea, it so cute. And of course he had to do a questionnaire for Dad, I hope the answers make you laugh and go aaahh at the same time! Our Father’s Day gifts will melt your heart too. 

One of the extra activities we did for the week was a body image and us teachers were all blown away at the amazing body images these littles ones are now able to draw! Wow, I’m loving all the progress our Crew are making and how mature they have all become.  

Happy Father’s Day to all of our Dad’s we hope it’s a wonderful day and you feel quite spoilt! 

Our theme next week: Recycling 


Have a wonderful day on Sunday our Eco Dads!


 Dates to Diarise:

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!

Land, Air and Sea Transport

Land, Air and Sea Transport


Land, Air & Sea Transport









Jj – Jet

During ring time every morning we tried to get the Crew to use ’transport’ in the sentences they used when describing different types of transport. We want them to understand the concept of what transport means and that yes its cars and trucks and planes and boats but what are the purposes for these great machines? It was very funny to hear when asking the Crew how do we know where to go and we have never been there beforethe map on mommy and daddy’s phone. LOL Back in the day it was a book with addresses and road maps. But good answer Crew! 

We did another guided drawing activity this week, which the Crew really enjoyed! This time we did a drawing of a map. I love these kinds of activities as it is preparing the Crew for Grade R where they will have to copy sentences off of the board. This time in their guided drawing they got to colour in their work. It came out really beautifully! 

Our Curious Crew class symbol is a hot air balloon so how could we not do a little art activity to go with that! The Crew had to put their fine motor skills to the test so they weaved the baskets for the hot air Balloon. We will be keeping this little art project for Art Expo, they are too cute not to keep. 

When learning the shape of the week the shape poem goes as follows: 

I’m Danny Diamond 

I have 4 sides 

All of them  

Are diagonal lines. 

But what are diagonal lines? We showed the Crew with our arms, vertical line, then horizontal line and diagonal lines. Diagonal lines mean that they go at an angle. Please go over this with your child at home they really enjoyed the concept of know different line names. 

Last week our shape of the week was an Octagon and we didn’t have enough time to do an activity so we added it into this weeks work. I always describe an octagon with an octopus. An octopus has 8 legs and an octagon has 8 sides and is the same shape as a Stop sign on the road. When you are driving parents point out the 8 sided Stop street signs. 

This week for cooking we had such a super treat! Brownie Robots. Cut into rectangles with Skittal lights. The Crew got to mix the batter and put the brownies into the oven. Once they were out we decorated them and out them into bags for the Crew to enjoy at home. 

Thank you to everyone who has brought concert clothes so far. Please if you haven’t sent clothes. We need them ASAP to start decorating clothes. 

This week will be the first set of Letter Challenge letters to be sent home for homework. It is important to focus on the SOUND of the letters as well as letter recognition and formation. Good luck and enjoy this little bit of bonding time with your child. Their work will be marks and they will receive a sticker. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


We wanna know folks ... what is your DREAM car?


 Dates to Diarise:

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!

The Farm: Farm Animals

The Farm: Farm Animals


The Farm: Farm Animals









Ff – Farm

Even though this was a short week in the Curious Crew class. We got through some really cool and fun activities!  

Farming animals: Why do we farm animals Curious Crew? To eat them. This was not a concept that made the Crew squeamish. We went through all the meats and what animal they belonged to as well as what other food and non-food products come from animals. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, wool, feathers and eggs.  

The week started off with the Crew’s first Reggio Emilia Loose Parts art project. The Crew had in front of them farm animals, small acorns, white pebbles, Jacaranda seed pods and corks. They were instructed to make their own farm using these materials. It was very interesting to see who loved this art piece and who wasn’t quite interested. How they went about setting out their farm yards. Lovely work Crew. We will be doing a Reggio Emilia art piece each week as an intermural activities. Let the imaginary play really begin! 

We also decided we wanted to make a concrete art piece to add to our Art expo collection. The Crew made paper plate little chickens where they had to paint feathers onto their chickens but using a fork. They really enjoyed using a different art medium to paint and our chickens’ looks so cute! 

Assessments have still be going on, thank you for a full class attendance almost every day this week!  

After Wednesdays’ Voting Day we wanted to do a little voting ourselves in the Curious Crew class! We set up a booth and ballads on which is the best farm animal. Each child got a stamped ballad and some ink on their finger nail. They were able to go and cast their vote and once the voting was done, the numbers were tallied up, the best farm yard animal was the Horse. Well done beautiful horse you are the most liked farm yard animal. 

After cooking this week we decided to shake it up and make some homemade BUTTER! We took some cream, a jar with 2 pinches of salt and we shook and shook and shook and shook! Each Crew member got to shake it up and once the cream had become so thick and we thought we weren’t able to shake anymore that’s where the magic started to happen. We could see the cream starting to come away from the jar and with lots more shacking the cream became a blob. With more shaking the blob started to separate..YAY finally butter was achieved! The excuse milk was poured into cups and the Crew got to taste the salty milk that was left behind. No one liked it but I love that they most of them gave it a try! The butter we made was used on their sandwiches for snack that day. What an awesome experience to make some butter and get to taste all the elements in the making. 

During FunFit Sports this week Coach Trevor got out the cricket bat and balls and Crew enjoyed hitting a few balls. Working on their hand-eye coordination as well as a fun favourite South African game they might grow up to watch and enjoy one day. 

In Yoga this week the Crew held onto the magic stick! The kiddies had to use their tummy muscles to hold their arms and legs straight out in a superman pose. This move targets the upper and lower back, abs and hamstrings. It offers great support and strengthens the muscles for bending and reduces the risk of back injury. The task was to hold the stick for 5 seconds, using 1 hand moving the stick to the left and then to the right, finishing off with 5 seconds holding. Well done to all the yogis, this was a challenging workout but with lots of benefits. Physical movement and sports is so important not only in these younger years but throughout your whole life. Keep active, keep moving! 

Next week’s theme: Transport 





Have a HAPPY weekend folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

7 June: Haircut Day

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!

The Farm: Fruit and Vegetables

The Farm: Fruit and Vegetables


The Farm: Fruit & Vegetables




Circle & Sphere





Vv – Vegetables

This week in the Curious Crew class, assessments are still in full swing! All assessment work will be sent home in the Crews portfolio when their reports go out on break up day for Mid-Term break. 

This week in ring time, we discussed the difference between fruits and vegetables. We discussed that a fruit comes from a flower that dies and a fruit will start to grow when the flower died. Fruit also have pips whereas vegetables don’t. So here are some interesting facts, a lot of the foods we call vegetables are actually fruitsAll ‘vegetables’ with seeds are actually fruits! And these vegetables have been classified as vegetables by the culinary world, your chefs, because these fruits are not sweet like all the fruits we know.  

We did two lovely activities this week! The first we a little garden made from egg cartons. The Crew coloured in their little barns and planted kidney beans in some cotton to grow. They made their own little farms.  

The second activity was a guided drawing of a farm. This activity worked on a few different skills. Following instructions is such an important aspect of our Curious Crew year! Spatial awareness also plays a role in this activity and last but not least the importance of fine motor skills and drawing. They came out beautifully! I was super proud of the work the Crew did in this guided drawing.  

In Fun Fit Sports this week we did assessment work, setting up different exercises for the Crew to complete.  

For cooking this week, we got some small ice-cream cones and they were put together with yoghurt and fruit! This was a delicious light and sweet snack the Curious Crew enjoyed so much. Yum Yum! 

Concert practice is in full swing where we sing songs wherever we find a gap. It was so rewarding when the Crew started singing one of our songs randomly while we were in ring time and the way they had the tune right and the words. It made out teacher hearts very happy in that special moment. Let’s keep up that great spirit! 

Just a reminder parents to please buy concert clothes, the due date in drawing nearer. 

Next week’s theme: Farming: Animals 






Peace Out Folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

29 May: Voting Day

31 May: Tractor Ride Day & Slipper Day

7 June: Haircut Day

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Spreading Hap-pea-ness!

Wild Animals and Birds of Prey

Wild Animals and Birds of Prey


Wild Animals & Birds of Prey




Square & Cube


1 -14



Zz – Zebra

This is one of my favourite themes! We get to explore difference terrains of the world as well as the animals that inhibit their land and the Crew get to have a look at different types of places and animals they may have never heard of before. 

The first place we delved into was the Amazon rain forest/Amazon jungle. This is such an amazing place with many interesting facts, like the tree cover is so thick it takes 10mins for the droplets to reach the rainforest floor. It also rains 8 months of the year in the Amazon and spans over 9 counties of South America. The animals we discussed were the Toucan, Anaconda snake, pink river dolphins, poisonous dark frogs as well as jaguars and black panthers.  

Next we discussed the Tongess national forest, which is Canada near Alaska. The Tongess is home to some of the oldest trees in the world! The Tongess forest is home to some of the rarest ecosystems on the planet. It is one of the few places left on earth that maintains a delicate balance between land, water, wildlife and human activity. There are more bears than people in this forest. We looked at salmon fish, black and brown bears, the American bald Eagle and little Sitka deer’s. 

Then we discussed the Sahara desert! Our art activity for the weeks was based on an animal that lives in the Sahara desert. Just like the Amazon jungle the Sahara expands over 11 different counties in Africa and is over 3 million square miles. Despite is harsh conditions many animals call the Sahara home. The hottest temperature ever recorded there was 57 degrees Celsius. The animals we learnt about were the horned viper, Namaqua chameleon, the Addax antelope, Saharan camel, golden jackel and the scorpion. 

Last but not least we explored the icy Artic circle. Because the Artic circle is right at the top of the Earth it will have one day of complete darkness in winter and a day of complete sunshine in summer. Temperatures in the Artic are as cold as -70 degrees Celsius. I would never survive Brrrrrr! But it is home to many beautiful animals. The polar bear, who’s fur is actually transparent and just appears white because of the reflection of the white snow on its fur. The artic fox, the Harp seal and snowy owl. The narwhal which is the unicorn of the sea and the albatross which has the wing span of 3.5 meters. WOW! 

For art this week, our art consisted of a few different components. The Crew got to water paint their chameleons. Cut out their green cactus ovals and construct a cactus of their own using a cactus picture as an example for guidance. We then added a few white cactus spikes and some sand to complete our own Sahara desert. 

Assessments are in full swing this week and I know it’s been super tricky with this terrible flu going around and we appreciate you keeping your kiddies home for a full recovery. We look forward to having healthy children back so assessments can continue.  

At music this week with teacher Mo, we learnt about high and low notes as well as different cords played on the guitar. Thank you teacher Mo for these wonderful lessons. Music is such an important part of children’s development, especially learning through instruments.  

Protective Behaviours this weeks was based on feeling and that it’s ok to feel all different feelings angry or sad. The Crew had to draw a face of how they were feeling today and at the back of their paper plate draw a place where they felt safe. 

Yoga this week was animal yoga to go with our wild animals theme. Using our magic yoga bag the Crew picked out little animals and discussed some interesting facts about each of them while doing the relevant yoga pose. They incorporated breathing techniques as well while in each animal pose. Thank you teacher Yoga. 

At Fun Fit Sports this week we concentrated on assessment skills. Coach Trevor just knows how to make even assessments fun! The Crew love a good workout session and find it fun to be competitive! 

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Next week’s theme: Farming Vegetables and fruit 

We wanna know folks ... what is your favourite WILD animal?


 Dates to Diarise:

24 May: Eye Screening 

29 May: Voting Day

31 May: Tractor Ride Day

7 June: Haircut Day

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew and Assistants 

Stay Wild And Free Our Crew!

Mothers and Babies, Mother’s Day

Mothers and Babies, Mother’s Day


Mother’s & Babies, Mother’s Day






Recap & 13



Mm – Mommy

Welcome to Term 2 and welcome back from the April holidays! We had a wonderful week back at school and all the Crew were very happy to be back and in the swing of things. 

I love our morning ring time sessions, it was lovely to hear what all the Crew got up to on their holiday as well as get some serious learning done in those ring time sessions. This was also about Mommies and their Babies. We went over a few different animals and the names of their babies. Here are a few: 

  • Cow and a calf  
  • Horse and a foal  
  • Duck and a duckling  
  • Chicken and a chick 
  • Goose and a gosling  
  • Donkey and a foal  
  • Goat and a kid 
  • Dog and a puppy 
  • Cat and a kitten 
  • Pig and a piglet 
  • Kangaroo and a Joey 
  • Sheep and a lamb 
  • Lion and a cub 
  • Rabbit and a bunny 

Go over a few of these at home and see how many your child can remember.  

This is one of the most special weeks as this Sunday is Mother’s Day and we just love making our special Mother’s Day gift! We know you are going to love it and treasure it forever! 

We also did a cute little questionnaire with the Crew on you Mom’s, we apologies for some of the ages but it’s so cute to read their answers. On the front of your card you will find that we combined symmetry and art together, because learning can be artistic too! 

This week we recapped and touched on the first 6 letters of our Jolly Phonics letters. We wrote the letters sang the songs of the sounds and played a game where the Crew each had a turn to find each one of those letters amongst all the alphabet letters. By Thursday we did ‘s a t  p i n’ assessment and the Crew did SO well! 97% of the class were able to recognise all 6 lett