My Senses

My Senses


My Senses










Another action-packed week full of busy amazing activities in our Hopper classroom. Our Happy Hoppers had a fun week learning and an engaging week in the classroom discussing our five senses.  

Throughout the week we worked on a progressive art piece where the kids created a texture board. We started with a discussion about each of our five senses and the purpose they serve.  

Our art was fun as we painted the kiddies’ hands and some of them told us it tickled their hands. They made four handprints each and after that we placed a different object on each hand to represent something hard, soft, smooth, and rough.  

They had so much fun talking about the five senses and loved telling Teacher Cecilia that the eyes are to see beautiful things, sometimes not so beautiful, our sense of sight, the nose for the sense of smell, ears for the sense of hearing, the mouth for the sense of taste and the hands for the sense of touch! We just love it when our Hoppers can tell us all about what they are learning about during Ring Time! We still have some shy little people, but this will surely improve with time.  

They experienced a fun activity where they got to taste all sorts of different tastes. The expressions on our cute Hopper faces were so funny and super rememberable.  

The Hoppers were remarkably busy this week attending extra murals demos, learning dancing, and singing lots of action songs.  

YAY YOGA DAY is always so much fun with Teacher Nicole, our Hoppers just love her so much. Happy Hoppers Yoga Day 💙 

Breathing exercises: pom pom blowing using our balloon breath for hard and far blowing and using our peace breath for slow and calming blowing.  

Our yoga song: 

It’s a Marvelous day – which is a flow sequence of 8 yoga poses. 

Closing off with resting pose whilst listening to bubble popping sounds 🫧🫧 

Our theme next week is Health and Hygiene. Have a safe and lovely weekend!

See you at the Bonfire Picnic!

    Dates to Diarise:

31 Jan: Bonfire Picnic

5 Feb: Smart Squad Term Meeting

7 Feb: Abacus Maths Demo

11 Feb: Curious Crew Term Meeting

13 Feb: Haircut Day

14 Feb: Valentine’s Disco (during school)

17 Feb: Fire Drill

18 Feb: Happy Hoppers Term Meeting

21 Feb: Mid Term Break Up Day

25 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

Me and My Body

Me and My Body


Me & My Body










I can’t believe we are already in the second week of our first term.  

Our Happy Hoppers have really been so impressive on how they have all settled down so quickly and into our routine. We still have a few tears in the mornings, but they don’t last very long at all. 

This has been a remarkably busy week as we started with our intramurals this week like Yoga and FunFit Sports.  At yoga, this week the new Happy Hoppers met Teacher Nicole for the first time. The Hoppers also met Coach Trevor, our FunFit Sports coach, where he played a colour matching game with the Hoppers. 

We learnt all about our bodies and how they work. We sang and learnt some action songs like ‘Head Shoulders Knees and Toes,’ and ‘This is the Way We Take a Bath.’ 

Our Art activity was so much fun; the Hoppers made a body with different recyclable shapes. The teachers cut out the shapes and the Hoppers glued their shapes to form bodies.  

The Hoppers are still learning about our school and where the different classes are, we had our first visit to the library and took out our first book, this was an extremely exciting activity for our little ones. I am so proud of them! 

  It has really been a tremendous start to the beginning of our year with lots of activities enjoyed by all. 


Just a few reminders:  

Remember to read our Sunday message.  

Please remember to send back your library books.  

Please label everything you send to school.  

Remember show and tell on a Friday and this is theme related.  


Have a wonderful weekend!


 Dates to Diarise:

31 Jan: Bonfire Picnic

4 Feb: Abacus Maths Demo

5 Feb: Smart Squad Term Meeting

11 Feb: Curious Crew Term Meeting

13 Feb: Haircut Day

14 Feb: Valentine’s Disco (during school)

17 Feb: Fire Drill

18 Feb: Happy Hoppers Term Meeting

21 Feb: Mid Term Break Up Day

25 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Busy Bodies!

Travel and Holidays

Travel and Holidays


Travel & Holidays









Hh – Hot

This week was full of adventure and learning about holidays and traveling. 

We had some fun discussions and role-play activities about traveling. The Happy Hoppers used their imagination to go in a Holiday with an aeroplane. We re-enacted how to book our tickets, pack our bags, drive to the airport, and check in with our tickets. Lastly, we had a fun fly around with our arms stretched out wide! It truly was so much fun watching the children emerge themselves into the activity. 

The Hoppers enjoyed some gross motor activities by throwing and catching a ball. Its impressive how well they have advanced during the year. You are all superstars! 

We have started our 12 days before Christmas. The kids did a wonderful job painting our Christmas tree and creating all their Christmas art. Thank you to all the Hoppers who have donated, keep up the good work. 

All the teachers in the Happy Hopper class wishes you a wonderful weekend, let us give the last stretch our all! 

Next week’s theme: Christmas 



Have a wonderful weekend!


 Dates to Diarise:

27 Nov: Carols By Candlelight

3 Dec: Magic Show (during school)

4 Dec: Christmas Party (during school0

5 Dec: Break Up Day





Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

Shops and Shopping

Shops and Shopping


Shops & Shopping




Oval/Triangular Prism





Qq – Queue

This week was all about shopping, something all our Happy Hoppers enjoy! 

They are so aware of all the logos displayed to them and named them with such confidence. When talking about money, we had a bit of a chuckle as most of them said that their parents only use cards. So adorable! 

The Hoppers had so much fun going for their shopping on Thursday. Thank you to all the parents for the wonderful goodies that was sent. They were all so excited to choose and use their wallets that they made.  

For art, The Happy Hoppers started on their Christmas crafts. They are all so excited that we are getting closer to the festive season. We are sure that everyone will enjoy their beautiful creations. 

FunFit sports was so much fun this week. The Hoppers were true to their name by starting off by doing vertical tyre jumps. The ended their session with a 100m dash. Wow the Happy Hoppers really showcased how fast they run. We are so proud of how much they have progressed this year!

For Yoga, this week The Happy Hoppers listened to a yoga story about kindness. How to be kind to each other by saying and doing kind things. We practised a few poses whilst listening to dolphin and ocean sounds. Our poses of the day were: dog, cat, mouse, cow, lion, eagle, butterfly, turtle, and camel. 

We are looking forward to our outing on Monday! The Happy Hoppers are going to have so much fun. We hope you all have a lovely weekend. 



Have a wonderful weekend!


 Dates to Diarise:

18 Nov: HH Outing

20 Nov: SS Graduation (tbc)

22 Nov: CC & SS Outing

27 Nov: Carols By Candlelight

3 Dec: Magic Show (during school)

4 Dec: Christmas Party (during school0

5 Dec: Break Up Day





Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

Cooking and Food

Cooking and Food


Cooking & Food




Rectangle/Rectangular Prism





Cc – Cooking / Ff – Food

What a fun filled week the Hoppers had! From cooking to a wonderful morning showing off our Yoga skills to our parents. It was such a special day to display how Teacher Yoga works with us on a weekly basis.  Thank you to each and every parent who could join us today. It was truly a wonderful morning.  

This week was all about cooking and boy did we have fun! For our first activity we focused on our fine motor skills by threading fresh fruit onto skewers. Our fruit kebabs were enjoyed by all the Happy Hoppers. Next, we had our taste buds dancing by creating our very own Calzones. We used wraps as the base, and the kids could choose their own toppings to put on. There was only one word for them: Yum! 

We also learnt the difference between a 2D, and 3D shape. It was so interesting watching them explore the rectangular prism and counting the sides. Our “big” word for this week was: dimensional. Most of our Hoppers was able to say this with ease. You all are getting so big now. 

For Fun Fit Sports, Coach Trevor made the kids do races and even ran all the way around the playground. The Happy Hoppers had so much fun doing this activity and showing off how fast they are! 

We hope all the parents enjoy their time with their little ones this weekend. Don’t forget to ask them to cook their newly learnt dishes for you! 

Does pineapple belong on pizza? We wanna know what you think!


 Dates to Diarise:

13 Nov: Shopping Activity (during school)

15 Nov: CC Entrepreneur Market

18 Nov: HH Outing

20 Nov: SS Graduation (tbc)

22 Nov: CC & SS Outing

27 Nov: Carols By Candlelight

3 Dec: Magic Show (during school)

4 Dec: Christmas Party (during school0

5 Dec: Break Up Day





Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

Under The Sea

Under The Sea


Under The Sea


Dark Blue







Uu – Under

What a fun two weeks we had learning all about the creatures under the sea. All with a well-deserved break in-between.  

The Happy Hoppers was very busy this week with all fine and gross motor activities. They did so well with their pencil control with the fun under the sea activity. They loved moving their body to the jelly fish song and for art they made some magic with a starfish salt painting. The amazement the showed when the saw how the salt lets the food colouring spread was so fun to watch. 

We were so proud of the Hoppers showing patience with the tortoise race. And the great posture they displayed. The picked up the instructions of the activity very quickly and understood that slow and steady wins the race! 

For yoga, this week The Happy Hoppers worked on picture and pose association once again. There were a variety of pictures with animals and transport. Some pictures have numbers 1-5; we did various breath work according to the number. The Hoppers matched or poses according to the pictures, lion, elephant, monkey, crocodile, motorcycle, train, dolphin, and eagle. We ended our session with 3 minutes of relaxing time. 

We are looking forward Mommy/Daddy and Me Yoga next week … see you there!

Weekend ... SHELL YEAH!


 Dates to Diarise:

6 Nov: Haircut Day

7 Nov: Mommy/Daddy & Me Yoga

8 Nov: Mommy/Daddy & Me Yoga

13 Nov: Shopping Activity (during school)

15 Nov: CC Entrepreneur Market

18 Nov: HH Outing

20 Nov: SS Graduation (tbc)

22 Nov: CC & SS Outing

27 Nov: Carols By Candlelight

3 Dec: Magic Show (during school)

4 Dec: Christmas Party (during school0

5 Dec: Break Up Day





Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!






Rainbow, Black & Dark Grey


Recap, Star, Crescent





Mm – Mystical

Oh, how fortunate our little ones are to still explore their wonderful imagination without boundaries! We used this opportunity to create our own Happy Hopper world. 

 We rowed our pretend boats down a river with a friend and made the most delicious pastries. We even learnt how to pronounce our pastries by the correct name “Palmier.” We used our fine-motor skills to roll out the pastry with a rolling pin. We mixed the cinnamon sugar and even helped to roll the pastry into the well-known shape of The Palmier. The Happy hoppers thoroughly enjoyed their crispy Palmier, and they were finished in the blink of an eye. 

Coach Trevor helped us to strengthen our upper bodies by using the monkey bars. Our Happy Hoppers truly are improving their coordination so well. 

For Yoga, this week was all about Balance. The Hoppers moved from one pose to the next balancing on one leg. Our pose sequence was Mountain, chair, tree, airplane, peacock, prayer pose, tree chair mountain. Flowed by breath work and relaxation whilst listening to a story called “the Enchanted Forest” 

Let us know on your class WhatsApp groups folks ... Are you part of the Indian TRIBE ... or do you with the Cowboys RIDE?


 Dates to Diarise:

18 Oct: Art Expo

24 Oct: Break Up Day

25-28 Oct: Mid Term Break

29 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

Insects and Bees; Frogs and Ponds, Rivers and Dams

Insects and Bees; Frogs and Ponds, Rivers and Dams


Insects & Bees; Frogs & Ponds, Rivers & Dams


Yellow; Light Blue/Turquoise 


Hexagon; Oval/Tear Drop


14 and 15



Ii; Mm

What a busy two weeks of learning all about insects and bees, ponds and all the creatures that live there! 

The Happy Hoppers enjoyed listening to sounds of ponds at night and trying to identify the creatures. They even learned that the African bullfrog is an endangered species. How lucky are we to go to school right next to one of South Africa’s bullfrog conservation wetlands? Our “big word” this week was Amphibian, and our Hoppers are doing quite well with this word. We also went through the life cycle of the frog! What an amazing transformation these creatures go through. 

We concentrated on our Hoppers cutting skills this week as well as placement of drawings. It’s amazing how much they have grown since the beginning of the year. Well done Hoppers. We have started assessments this week, and we are so excited to see all the progress they have made. 

For Fun Fit Sports this week, Coach Trevor made the Happy Hoppers play a game of bowling! What a fun way to improve their hand-eye coordination. They truly enjoyed this activity and tackled this task with immense enthusiasm. 

Yoga Day  

“Rollercoaster ride” Hoppers had to sit in a line with our legs spread wide on each side of our friend. We stretched upwards, forward, left and right. Our breathing exercise: lying on our backs with our head on our tummy. We matched our breathing with each other, feeling our friends’ tummy lift up as we breathe in and down as we exhale. The aim is to breathe together as one but there was so much giggling going on! 

Have a lovely weekend with your little ones. I’m sure they are going to love our theme: Fantasy, next week. 

Let us know on your class WhatsApp groups folks ... Are you part of the Indian TRIBE ... or do you with the Cowboys RIDE?


 Dates to Diarise:

18 Oct: Art Expo

24 Oct: Break Up Day

25-28 Oct: Mid Term Break

29 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

Countries and Cultures

Countries and Cultures


Countries & Cultures


Flag Colours


Rectangle/Rectangular Prism


12 & Recap



Pp  – Pride

To teach the children about Heritage Day this week we learnt all about cultures. How lucky we are to live in a country where everyone embraces all our diverse cultures and beautiful country! It was very informative to know all about: 

 Our national bird: The Blue Crane 

Our national animal: The Springbok 

Our national tree: The Yellowwood Tree 

Our national flower:  The Protea 

Our national fish: The Galjoen 

The Hoppers enjoyed painting our flag with their fingers. This was a good activity to improve their fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, colour recognition. We are so busy preparing for the art show coming up. The Hoppers are creating the most beautiful pieces to show off on the night! 

For yoga the Hop0pers learn all about teamwork. The group flower pose is only possible if everyone can balance, create a circle by holding hands and keep their core strength tight whilst lifting their leg up. The hoppers had so much fun and was able to hold this pose for 15 second. Well done Hoppers. 

We would like to wish all our September Hoppers a very Happy Birthday! Bohlale, Iyana, Zayden and Ella, we are so proud of the wonderful kids you have become. Thank you to all the parents for the delicious ice-cream and making the day so special for them. 

Wishing everyone a lovely long weekend, enjoy the time with your little ones. Stay warm 

See you on Wednesday! 


Have a wonderful LONG WEEKEND!


 Dates to Diarise:

23 Sept: School Holiday

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)

3 Oct: Haircut Day

18 Oct: Art Expo

24 Oct: Break Up Day

25-28 Oct: Mid Term Break

29 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

Spring, Flowers, & Planting; Trees, Plants, Wood & Paper

Spring, Flowers, & Planting; Trees, Plants, Wood & Paper


Spring, Flowers & Planting; Trees, Plants, Wood & Paper


Lime & Brown


Semi-Circle & Sphere


1 – 11



Vv -Vase; Tt -Tree

We would like to welcome everyone back from a much deserved break. We look forward to a busy but fun Term 3! 

The last two weeks we learnt all about Spring, Plants and Trees. 

The Hoppers liked to learn how spring brings blossoms to the trees. They enjoyed learning that a bud turns into a blossom, which in turn becomes fruit. The importance of trees, and all the amazing things trees can provide us. We observed what in our environment is made from wood. 

For art we decorated our handmade paper, it was so fun to see how we can reuse paper into such a beautiful new piece. We did some paper plate sponging and went on a nature walk to collect sticks. We made a blossom tree by printing with bubble wrap and used the sticks we collected to finish off this amazing piece of art. 

As a life skill, we learnt to grate. It was so refreshing to smell and taste the freshly grated lemons! All the Hoppers did so well with this life skill. 

The Hoppers enjoyed a song for Yoga that got them standing up straight, balancing on one leg and working on their warrior 1 and 2 pose. We practiced our bear, snake and candle breathing techniques. Finishing off with a simple sequence of: tree, cat, cow and dog poses. What a fun class! 

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend with the weather becoming hotter after a cold week. Enjoy the wonderful colours and smells the new season brings us. 






Happy Monday!


 Dates to Diarise:

20 Sept: Hat Parade Day

23 Sept: School Holiday

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)

3 Oct: Haircut Day

18 Oct: Art Expo

24 Oct: Break Up Day

25-28 Oct: Mid Term Break

29 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

Dinosaurs – Under the Soil

Dinosaurs – Under the Soil











Dd – Day

What a fun two weeks of learning all about dinosaurs! 

There was so much knowledge for our Happy Hoppers to absorb, and WOW! They did so well! 

They learnt all about the diverse types of dinosaurs … ones that used to swim and ones that used to fly, even though not all flying dinosaurs had feathers. They even remembered big words like Pterodactyl, Pterosaurs, Paleontologist and when the first fossils were discovered (over two hundred years ago!) 

We listened to some fun songs with even more information about dinosaurs. Even our worksheets were dinosaur themed! During these two weeks we concentrated on cutting skills, drawing of shapes, counting and colours. Our beautiful artwork of a dinosaur shadow will be displayed at the Art show. Our Happy Hoppers are getting so excited to show all their creativity! 

For FunFit Sports this week, Coach Trevor carried on improving our hand-eye coordination with catching and batting. Our Happy Hoppers are getting so good with this activity. 

Yoga Day was all about dinosaurs too!

We marched and stomped, roared, rolled around in happy baby pose and calmed our breath like a baby Dinosaur. 

Ending off with a sequence of tree, cat, cow, dog, snake poses. 

Enjoy the well-deserved break! It was a busy term. We can’t wait for the new adventures that lie ahead for Term 3. 


Have a wonderful holiday folks!


 Dates to Diarise:

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts

2 Sept: Holiday Club Ends

3 Sept: Staff Return To School

4 Sept: First Day of Term 3!

6 Sept: Haircut Day

9 Sept: School Photographs

10 Sept: School Photographs

11 Sept: School Photographs

20 Sept: Hat Parade Day

23 Sept: School Holiday

24 Sept: Public Holiday (Heritage Day)


Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!










10 Recap



Nn- Night

What a fun exciting two weeks we have had! Last week was all about concert and we are so proud of all our Hoppers, they are all Superstars. 

We had a lot of fun with this theme and really tapped into our imagination chatting about space. The Hoppers learnt so much about Space. We did some fun activities like catching a star with tweezers hidden in a bucket of beads. This is such a wonderful fine motor activity. We also tried to copy and create our own planets with loose parts, this was great fun. 

Our Hoppers love dancing to songs and loved learning the words to the planet song. After we listened to the planet song the children were all hyped up and excited to start their planet artworks project. 

We did an amazing balloon painting to create planets. These came out so amazing, we decided to keep them for the art expo. 

We focused on our letter of the week. We read all about Noisy Nick and all the noise he likes to make. The rest of the week we finished off our art and watched some space videos and some astronauts in space, and even a space rocket launch. This was so exciting to watch, and our Hoppers loved it.  

For FunFit sports this week, the Hoppers did an obstacle course with Coach Trevor using the jungle gym, they loved this and did so well when they got to the monkey bars. Well done Hoppers. 

Yay for Yoga! Wheels on the bus yoga. Ankle rotations/rolls help improve blood circulation in the ankle and legs. It is also excellent for improving ankle mobility and flexibility. Our various poses included Open leg forward bend. Triangle Pose, Child Pose, Spinal twists and one leg balance poses. 

Thank you for all the donations for our Concert, we really appreciate it. 

Our theme next week is: Dinosaurs 

Have a safe and lovely weekend! 





 Dates to Diarise:

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts


Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Precious Stars!