Cooking & Food
Rectangular Prism / Recap
Cc – Cooking; Ff – Food
With all our Pups having such great appetites, this theme is such a hit and so full of fun and learning! We spent a lot of time sampling, stirring, sprinkling, chopping, mixing, blending and licking!
We are lucky to have such a well equipped kitchen here at our school, and the kitchen staff love visits from our children and are always so obliging. We went for a visit to the kitchen earlier on in the week to see the ovens, the stove, mixers and blenders, all the pots and pans and the funny kitchen utensils! It was adorable listening to the children say things like “spatula” and “whisk”! Such lovely words to get little tongues around!
While we were in the kitchen we told the children that Teacher Thembi and Teacher Nombuso make their delicious snacks and food each day! It was so cute to see their sweet little smiles when they realized that their food doesn’t come from the shop. We said thank you very much! It is important to be thankful for the people who make your food, Pups!
We all had so much fun this week learning all about cooking but the highlight was definitely making the chocolate muffins. This was tremendous fun to see the Pups enjoying themselves so much, especially the licking the bowl part which is a definite part of baking and being a child. There was muffin mixture everywhere, I must be honest there were moments where I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry. I guess this is the chance you take baking with 18 two year olds.
We also made pizza which the Pups thoroughly enjoyed at snack time. Yummy Yummy!
In the lead up to Christmas we are asking for you to bring in your decorated Christmas boxes that we will use to send home all your Pup’s Christmas stuff! Please try getting these in early to avoid a scramble…
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas out there so please don’t be surprised if your Pup comes home singing Christmas carols! We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Next week’s theme: Shops and Shopping.
We Wanna Know ...
Are you a SWEET or a SAVORY person?
Dates to Diarise:
Week of 14 Nov during School – Shopping Day
16 Nov – HH Outing
18 Nov – CC Entrepreneur Market Day
22 Nov – SS Graduation
25 Nov – CC & SS Outing
5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School
6 Dec – Christmas Party
7 Dec – Break Up Day
Lots of love
Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants