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Countries and Cultures

Sep 26, 2022


Countries & Cultures


Flag Colours


Rectangle/Rectangular Prism





Pp – Pride

What a lovey week we had with our sweet Pups. We spoke all about different cultures. This is a difficult theme for our little Pups to understand. We discussed that culture includes material goods, the things the people use and produce. Culture is also the belief and values of the people and the ways they think about and understand the world and their own lives. Different countries have different cultures. We told the Pups that different countries speak different languages and eat different foods. When we tried to ask them what country they live in we heard some funny answers like for example “me Suzie or John”. We read some lovely stories about different countries and then I think they got a better understanding of what we trying to explain to them.   

We also had so much fun playing games and spraying water at each other and the Pups totally loved it. It’s amazing when water is involved how much these little people enjoy themselves. We have also been making our amazing photo frames and cannot wait to show off your children’s AMAZING school photos to you!  We did a lot of painting for the art show that is coming up and our Pups can’t wait to show off their hard work. There was also so much excitement for Friday’s Hat Parade which was totally amazing. We saw such a lot of creativity and hard work that was put into this event. Thank you mommies and daddies for all your hard work and support.

As always PLEASE can all the Pups belongings be labelled.

This week’s theme is: Insects and Bees.



If you could travel to anywhere in the WORLD … where would it be?


 Dates to Diarise: 

Haircut Day: 5 Oct

Break Up Day & Art Expo: 20 Oct

Mid-Term Break: 21 – 24 Oct

Back to School: 25 Oct

Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC): 27 Oct

Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS): 28 Oct



Lots of love

Teacher Cecelia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Happy Pups!

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